Love Poem

The beautiful painting above is entitled "White Feather"
It was painted by Mr. Lee Bogle

Rain smell comes with the wind
out of the southwest.
Smell of the sand dunes
tall grass glistening
in the rain.
Warm raindrops that fall easy
(this woman)
The summer is born.
Smell of her breathing new life
small gray toads on damp sand.
(this woman)
whispering to dark wide leaves
white moon blossoms dripping
tracks in the sand.

Rain smell
I am full of hunger
deep and longing to touch
wet tall grass, green and strong beneath.
This woman loved a man
and she breathed to him
her damp earth song.
I am haunted by this story
I remember it in cottonwood leaves
their fragrance in the shade.
I remember it in the wide blue sky
when the rain smell comes with the wind.

The above poem was written by
Ms. Leslie Marmon Silko, (Laguna Pueblo)

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