

I. Sound

When we sing our voice
next to each other,
a distant train far and small
moves through inside me
and the whistle of joy
flies like returning birds
through the space of light:
a shining valley of song
within me.
You free your voice
and fly through me with sound.
Wind and rushes,
Echoes and water:
Elements of our harmony.
I ride like a gull on the wind of you.
I migrate and follow
this joy of you.

II. Sight

You show me into your eyes
in a slow dance of deliberate trust.
I meet you
and carry you, shining, into mine.
I look away and within--
looking into my own envisions,
and silently streaming blessings
back into the beauty you show me.
Your blue clear gaze
guides me to truth:
I see, and I know.

Beauty enters my eyes
then swells to fill me
and flow out again splashing,
joining us in common sight,
for we see there, ourselves,
mirrors of the beauty within.

III. Taste

I have breathed your lightest kiss
and found you sweet
your taste I have only inhaled
like a honeysuckle
and a promise.
Later, I find your taste
on my own lips,
your presence undiluted
even now.

IV. Touch

Where have you not touched me?
Time alone draws back the petals of the rose;
So, too, do you reveal yourself to me.
Already you permeate me--
you are inside my senses:
your voice has shaken and stilled me,
your gaze has pierced my veils,
and I know your taste.

Your hands have cradled my fears.
Your hands have held my gifts,
and held me, held me.

V. Scent

What alchemy awaits us?
When will we pour our essences together
and wear the perfume?
As that times approaches so sweetly,
we choose our ingredients 
for the blend.
Flowers, yes, and the animal fur
and salt of it--
the lawn and the amber musk, 
the ocean of it.
We will fall to the earth 
and return to the earth 
and filled with, 
our only perfume.

This beautiful poem was written by
Ms Tana Anderson Butler

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