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Sorry there are no puppies right now however we had a

breeding planned. We were really looking foreword to

breeding Gwen with Timmy in January 2001.However due to circumstances beyonde our control. We will have to reschedual this breeding. My 3 yr old needed surgery and that was alot more important at this time

We are still looking forward to beeding with Am/Can Ch Toven wintertide, Can C.D. call name " Timmy".And hope to do so at Gwen's next heat

(pictured on this page) We feel this will be a good

breeding to increase the Macdega lines they both have.

He should also help her in her body where she is lacking

a little, but not much.

We will keep you posted on the breeding and expectation of

puppies. We will also have pictures up on the web.

Anyone interested in a puppy can e-mail me. We breed

for show quality here at Tri Me Shelties but as all breeders

can tell you what you want and what you get some times are

2 different things. So just let me know what you are

looking for and I will let you know if we have it.

Any questions feel free to e-mail me!