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History Page: President George Washington

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George Washington Study Sheet:

Our Nation's First President:

1. George Washington was a great man and one of the founders of our country.

2. He was born in 1732 in the State of Virginia.

3. George Washington was a General during the Revolutionary War.

4. The war is also known as, “Our War of Independence”

5. He was known as the, “The Father of Our Country.”

6. We won the War of Independence from the British.

7. After the war, the people wanted George Washington to be our KING and he said NO.

8. George Washington was the First President of the United States of America.

9. He served as our president for two (2) terms. Totaling eight (8) years

10. The Capital of the United States of America is named after George Washington. Our capital is Washington DC.

11. George Washington chopped down a cherry tree when he was young.

12. The regular 25 cent piece or Quarter has an image of George Washington on it.