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Holiday Study Sheet Page: Halloween and Columbus Day

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Halloween Safety Tips

1- You should always be with an adult

2- Wear something on your costume that cars can see. Tip-Use masking tape and put it on your sleeves, back and front

3-Bring a flashlight with you.

4-Never go inside someone's home.

5-DO NOT go to homes that are dark and have no lights on.

6-Look both ways before crossing the street.

7-Stay on streets that are well lighted.

8-Do not eat any treats until you have your parents check them.

9-NEVER eat any treats that are not wrapped up. Example-Homemade Rice Crispy Treats or Carmel Apples.

10-Most hospitals will X-Ray your candy so they can see if they are safe

11-Have fun and be safe

Columbus Day Social Studies Fact Sheet

Christopher Columbus was from Italy.

Italy is the shape of a boot.

He was a sailor and an explorer.

He was attacked by Pirates.

He then learned to read and make maps and studied hard.

He wanted to sail West to find a faster way to get to India.

Most people thought the world was flat but not Christopher Columbus. He thought the world was round.

The King and Queen of Spain sponsored Christopher Columbus’s idea of sailing West to find a faster trading route to India.

Christopher Columbus sailed West in three ships named the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.

He first stopped at the Canary Islands before continuing his journey west. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.

Christopher Columbus discovered America on October 12, 1492.
/br> He named the people he found in America Indians. He did this because he thought he had found a new way to India.

That is why they are named Indians.

He claimed these new lands for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.

They called these new lands, “The New World” and later it would be named America.

The King and Queen made Christopher Columbus the “Admiral of the Seas”

He made several more trips back to the New World for Spain.