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Below is an email message we received. Because of the wide range of problems they have had I am sending this to all our heart families. If anyone is interested in talking with this family please let me know asap. Thanks for your help!

Karin Coulter Saving Little Hearts
Helping Children with Congenital Heart Defects

Hi, my name is Michelle. I live in central MN with my husband, Tim, and our 3 daughters...Nicole, 13 Bridget, 11 Becki, 8. Bridget was born in June of 1993 with Transposition of the great vessels, VSD, and coartition of the aorta. She was not diagnosed with any problems until she was 1 month old. At 6 weeks of age, she underwent sugery to repair her transposition. at 5 hrs post op, she experienced a cardiac arrest in which she was "down" for 25-35 minutes. Consequently, she suffered brain damage from the lack of oxygen to the brain and currently experiences complications of cerebral palsey & developmental & global delays. She had G-tube feedings until the age of 3, at 2yrs of age, she was diagnosed with Hydrocephlaus and was shunted. Her current medical status is remarkably stable. She will be undergoing more corrective heart sugery in the near future(1-3 years) due to the fact that her aortic valve is damaged and will need to be replaced.

I have been on numerous group pages and have been hard pressed to find anyone with a similar circumstance.

My biggest concern right now is the aortic valve replacement and the procedure to place it. Bridget is mentally about a 3-4 year old, she unable to walk but gets around crawling at home and using her wheel chair in public. She is so afraid of Dr's, hospitals and any type of procedure (especially if it involves a needle) she will get so upset that they have even had to sedate her for an ecocardiogram!

Is there anyone out there like our family?
