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Jonathan Fuller

Sun, 5 Feb 2006 23:27

Dear Friends and Family,

It has been a long time since we have sent an update. Much has transpired since then and we have been very busy. In November, Jonathan had a tough month. He had 6 transfusions in 14 days and spent 10 days in the hospital because he had fevers and complications from chemotherapy. Jonathan and Robert spent Thanksgiving in the hospital. In December, Jonathan was still recovering and started an easier chemotherapy cycle. We had another 7 days in which Jonathan was miserable from severe mouth sores, and he could not eat or drink very well.

My parents came for one month to help us in December because on 12/23 we had a baby boy at 1:17 AM weighing 10 lbs and 10 ozs and 221/2 inches. His name is Christopher Mark Fuller. His size helped us get 200 cc of cord blood to store for stem cells possibly for Jonathan in case we ever need a bone marrow transplant.

Now Jonathan is on a difficult chemotherapy cycle for 56 days. He is struggling emotionally and is angry at times. Some sessions at the hospital are not easy in trying to get the procedures done because he provides resistance. He is asking more questions about leukemia. He asked if his leukemia will come back. He told me the other day that he misses the times he didn't have leukemia. We both just cried together. An Awana leader at church overheard Jonathan ask another kid what he thought heaven was like. Jonathan said I think it has a lot of milk and honey. This illness is making him grow up faster. My mother calls him an old soul for the way he thinks now. He is still in remission as his last bone marrow aspiration revealed. We are dealing with the effects of chemotherapy mostly.

I apologize for not writing more e-mails. Just writing anything has been a Mt. Everest for me. Robert is very busy and and behind in his research in the lab due to Jonathan's illness; thus he is gone a lot. Now I have new baby insominia/ fatigue. So we are in survivor mode. Our church is assisting with childcare on chemo days and meals, prayer support, and providing listening ears for our aching hearts. In December, before my parents came, our home group came and helped clean our house and move furniture that I had been wanting for a long time, and helped Robert clean our garage so we can park our cars again for winter. They gave hours of time just to help us. They have demonstrated the love of Christ very sacrificially. While my mom was here our home group hosted a baby shower for us also.

In January Jonathan celebrated his sixth birthday. My mother and him have birthdays only a day apart. He felt good that day and he enjoyed himself. We had 3 weeks of Jonathan feeling good and acting like himself again. He even gained 3 lbs in 10 days. He was even hungry quite often. I was so thrilled to see him happy. We are about to meet with a person from Make a Wish. Jonathan will get to make a wish and the whole family can go with him. He is leaning heavily on Disney World right now and is siblings are excited too.

We still want God glorified in this trial. We want many people to be exposed to the gospel of Christ. We want to learn all God wants us to learn through this valley. God is in control, and I feel he is carrying us. We need Him and your prayers desparately. There is no way we can survive this without God and His help. We are grateful for all your prayers, e-mails, and concern you have for us and Jonathan. Thanks for everything.

Casting our cares on Him,

Natalie and Robert Fuller

Jonathan on his sixth birthday with Christopher (two weeks old)
Jonathan on his sixth birthday with Christopher (two weeks old)

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Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 18:48:40 EDT
Subject: Jonathan Fuller update

Dear Friends and Family,

We have been experiencing computer problems and thus unable to access our email accounts for well over a week. We do have good news. Jonathan is now in remission. He will receive chemotherapy for three more years. We are currently no longer on the road to a bone marrow transplant. He has regained some strength and energy but this will wax and wane with his chemo treatments which are now weekly with some home chemo meds also. He just came off steroids and he gained 8 pounds which is good because now is not eating much at all.

He was able to play soccer and ride his bike for the first time in 5-6 weeks. He was so thrilled. He has been more active this week and he was able to go to church and to a restaurant for the first time since diagnosis. He is more normal acting and is starting to have normal sibling disputes. He also smiles more and laughs more. He as not had any fevers or infections since diagnosis. God has answered many prayers and we are so grateful.

We need prayers that he allow the chemo shots to be administered easier. He was doing very well and now is starting to resist them and all the other numerous needle sticks.

Thanks for all the prayers lifted on Jonathan's behalf. We thank God that Jonathan is in remission and he is responding to the chemo treatments.

With a grateful heart,

Natalie and Robert Fuller

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Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 08:00:25 EDT
Subject: Jonathan Fuller Update for September 11, 2005

Dear Friends and Family,

Jonathan has completed three weeks of chemotherapy for his leukemia and is tolerating his treatments well. He has been home with us almost two weeks now and we have had no serious problems. He is very tired all of the time, but he smiles a lot, and he is much happier here than at the hospital. The family is very happy to have Jonathan home, and we continue to adjust to his specialized needs and care. We remain thankful to the many people who have and continue to support our family through physical provision and prayer during this challenging time.

Based on his bone marrow tests, Jonathan's response to the chemotherapy has not been so encouraging, however. Because of this, he is now classified as a "high risk" ALL patient, and his chemotherapy has extended to at least 3.5 years.

Jonathan's next evaluation is a bone marrow sampling Friday, 9/16/05. This test will determine if he remains a "high risk" patient, needs more induction chemotherapy and testing two weeks later, or if he becomes a "very high risk" patient. If Jonathan ever becomes a "very high risk" patient (now or later), he would need a bone marrow transplant to survive.

Please continue to keep Jonathan and our family in your thoughts and prayers, as his care could become unpredictably complicated on a moment's notice. Please pray for the Lord's continued provision and peace to our family, and our acceptance of God's will as it unfolds for His glory. Pray for the leukemia cells to diminish in the marrow and God would prevent fevers or infection. Pray for the doctors to have wisdom and the labs to accurately interpret the results. We are truly grateful for everyone's e-mails, letters/cards, meals, and child care help. They have really helped us in this difficult trial.

Abiding in the Lord,

Natalie and Robert Fuller

Natalie Fuller

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Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 08:23:29 EDT
Subject: Update on Jonathan Fuller

Dear Friends and Family,

It has been 10 days since Jonathan was diagnosed with Acute Lympoblastic Leukemia (ALL). He has been receiving 4 different chemotherapy drugs as well as 5 other medications to counteract the side-effects of the chemo. He will have weekly bone marrow aspirations this month to measure how the leukemia cells are responding. The first biopsy was 8/19 and he had 95% leukemia cells in his bone marrow. The second biopsy was on 8/26 and he had 27% leukemia cells in his bone marrow. He is responding to the chemotherapy! Yeah! We are still waiting for the genetic marker testing results from the first biopsy which takes weeks. The results from these tests determines a better indication of prognosis and classifies which subtype of leukemia Jonathan has and how to proceed with treatment.

Jonathan has been fever-free for one week and are hopeful he will be discharged soon and will go back for more tests and chemo this week as an outpatient. His future chemo treatments will be both as an inpatient and outpatient.

Jonathan continues to be in good spirits and the staff enjoy his great smile and his chattiness. He has numerous food cravings (mainly for salty foods) because of the steroid treatment. He is on a salt and folic acid restriction because of his medicines for this month. So if you talk to him he tell you he wants pizza, sausage, and hot dogs. He has lost his first and second tooth in the hospital and amazingly the tooth fairy found him on the first night. He is very brave and we are reading books about his cancer to him. We are still concerned about infection until his blood counts improves. The doctors will let us know when it is safe to be in public again.

We greatly covet your prayers for Jonathan's healing and strength. There will be many ups and downs throughout his treatment. Robert and I have numerous logistical hurdles to consider in managing the family needs throughout Jonathan's treatment especially these next 9 months. We desperately need God to guide and help us. We greatly appreciate all the support shown to us through meals, e-mails, words, prayers, assist with childcare, and home repair and care. We feel loved!

Trusting in God,

Natalie and Robert and family

P.S. Our oncologist recommended the children's oncology group' web site as being the most accurate about ALL.

Natalie Fuller

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Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 07:57:50 -0500
Subject: Re: Urgent prayer request and ongoing prayer support

Hi, thanks so much for letting me be able to pray for Jonathan.. I am also part of a healing prayer team that meets every Friday and I will ask for prayers for him and your family there love shereen

On Sun, 21 Aug 2005 08:17:12 EDT Nataliefuller67@cs.comwrites:

Dear Friends and Family,

We have received this past Friday very serious news. Our precious five year old son Jonathan has leukemia or ALL(Acute Lympoblastic Leukemia). He is in the hospital now receiving chemotherapy. The treatment will last for 2.5 years with a lesser intense treatment being received at the end than he is currently receiving. The curable/surviver rate is 90%. We still have pending diagnostic results in the next 1-2 weeks. His immune system is suppressed with the treatment. This first course of treatment will last 35 days and hopefully with no fevers or infections will can come home in one week. Please pray for healing for Jonathan, protection from outside viruses and other infections, strength and peace for all of us, maintaining as much as normalcy for the rest of the family, and that God would be glorified. We are tired and emotionally spent but God will sustain us. It says in the Bible that God never gives us more than we can handle. We know there will be many ups and downs. We have to take things one day at a time.

Jonathan is in good spirits. He received blood on Friday and he really perked up. His perspective is that he is having an adventure. He smiles and is winning over the staff with his winsome spirit. He has shown great courage and is quite fascinated with everything that is happening to him.

Our church is coordinating care for us (meals, childcare, and emergency on call child care help). Our church is very wonderful in everyone serving each other. We are cared for very well.

Again, we welcome your prayers and know that is the most important thing anyone can do for us.

Trusting in God,

Natalie and Robert Fuller

Natalie Fuller