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Just got this from a friend of mine. Wanted to forward it to some prayer warriors out there!

Subject: Macy Easom

Macy Easom and her family need our prayers. Macy is 4 years old and has a twin sister, Megan . She also has an older brother, Landon, who is in the 2nd grade, and a younger sister, Lindsey, who is 18 months. Her parents are Jeff and Angel, and they moved to Warner Robins this past July when Jeff took a position as an orthopedic surgeon with Dr. Jarrett and Kinnebrew at Houston Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine. They took Macy to the emergency room Wednesday night thinking she had an upper respiratory infection because she was having trouble breathing and was coughing. What they found was a cancerous tumor in her liver that is 3 times the size of a normal liver. She was transferred by ambulance to Scottish Rite in Atlanta on Thursday where she is undergoing more tests. What they know so far is that the cancer has not spread to her bones, and that 25% of her liver is still good. Needless to say their entire world was turned upside down in a matter of hours. They are continuing to run tests this week and determine the best course of treatment.

What the family has asked for is that as many people pray for Macy as possible. Please forward this to your friends and family and ask them to pray for Macy and her family, and to put her on their church prayer chains as well. I'm also enclosing the address at Scottish Rite so that you can send a card of encouragement to Macy and her family. As you can imagine, this holiday season will be extremely difficult for them. Please pray for this little girl and her family.


