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March, 2004

Hello Angels,

It has been over a year since Rachel's surgery and 5 months since her last chech up. Rachel continues to recover at a phenominal rate. Although she continues to take Toprol, her heart rate is still elevated. Other than that, she is doing just fine. Thank you for your support angels!!

Rachel and I wish to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and support! And especially thank you Dr McConnell, Kirshbom and Book!

Please remember that there are still others out there that need our support!

At this moment I would like to Thank and Recognize several Angels for their contributions:

First of all Dr. Kirshbom for the skillfull surgery that he performed on Rachel. Dr. Kirshbom, you are truly an Angel sent by GOD!!
Also, Dr. McConnell, Rachel's cardiologist, who has gone way above and beyond the call of duty to help Rachel.
The caring staff at Emory University Hospital, including the staff of Dr. McConnell as well as Dr. Kirshbom's office.
John Green of LWW
Chip & Dawn Hammack
Uncle Robert and Uncle Clifford
Kim, Jenny and dozens of others...

Hey Guys its thabeve

Imagine for a moment, if you would, what it's like to grow up labeled as "different" from other children. You are unable to keep up with the rest of the children at play... You are ten years old before you can ride a bicycle, whistle, or participate in activities that most children take for granted... Imagine spending your 10th birthday in the hospital, recovering from major open-heart surgery! Yes, Rachel has endured three open heart surgeries since birth plus another heart surgery where the doctors had to enter via her back. Rachel has come a long way in her life time, and has not only had to deal with the physical trauma and discomfort due to her condition, but also the prejudice of society in general! I'm telling you guys, this lady has more character in her little pinky than you and I will ever have in our lifetime! But Rachel is not the type of person who wants your pitty, but instead wants you to volunteer and help others in need!


Wally & Rachel Peacock

Here are some excerpts from one of the associated sites:

Tetralogy of Fallot is a type of heart problem which consists of four different heart defects.

Rachel with her "Veda Potato"