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Letters of Support and Encouragement


From: "Randy Lucia"
Subject: Rachel's Surgery
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003

Father I want to lift up my brother Wally and my sister Rachel to you now in prayer. This is a petition to you for Rachel's complete healing. Some would say you didn't give Rachel a healthy heart from birth but I've learned that everything you do is for a reason. Reasons we mortals don't always understand. I kneel before you now and ask you guide the surgeons hand. Give the doctors sound mind, confidence, and knowledge to do this operation with 100% success. I ask you to send your mightiest battalion of angels to protect Rachael and grant her healing. Lord I ask that you use Rachael's healing to minister to those she comes in contact with. You are the great physician. We thank you in advance for Rachael's healing and give you all honor and praise...Amen.

Subject: Rachel's Surgery
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003

Hey Wally,

Thanks for the update. I'll be praying daily for Rachel during this time. I also know some other "prayer warriors" to whom I'll mention you both.

Take care,


Subject: prayers
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003

Hi Rachel,

Got you in my prayers and will ask friends at church to pray for you as well. You know what to do after surgery to get better faster (you know, turn, cough, deep breathe, walk J). I pray for a speedy recovery without complications.

God Bless,


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003
From: "Green, John"

I am sorry about the postponement but sometimes things like this happen for a reason we do not see yet.

Our prayers continue with you both.


Sun, 17 Aug 2003
Hey Dude,

Just thought I'd be checking up on you and Rachel. How's Rachel holding up under the circumstances? Let Michelle and I know what we can do to help. We'll be glad to help anyway we can Wally. If you need a break at the hospital or need us to bring something to y'all, just let us know. In the meantime we'll keep y'all in our prayers that everythings gonna be great from here on out.
Listening out for ya dude.

Scott & Michelle

Sat, 16 Aug 2003
Dear Rachel,

We will certainally be praying for you, Wally and your family. We are glad that you e-mailed us. Please keep us posted on what is happening and if you need anything at all just let us know. Love and prayers, Ben and Julie

From :
To :
Subject : Jesus in my Heart
Date : Thu, 14 Aug 2003

Rachel! What a wonderful opportunity now exists for The Lord Jesus to be honored and praised thru your miraculous healing of this heart valve! I believe without any doubt that your heart valve will be totally healed and I give thanks and praise in advance for this healing! Just as I have seen other miracles performed by the Lord Jesus in my short life here on this earth, I thank him for this one, and I thank you and Wally for your faith in the Lord, for miracles all up-lift the entire body of Christ!

I will continue to pray and thank God for my brothers and sisters in Christ! You can know and rest in the peace that only Jesus can give, that this matter is settled! I claim this miracle in the name of Jesus and rebuke any doubt from anywhere trying to stop it, that the wonderful healing powers of Jesus will prevail and that He will receive the honor and glory, so that others may see this miracle, and be drawn closer to the Holy Spirit.

Thank you Rachel and Wally for your faith and friendship! May we all grow daily in our Spiritual walk with The Lord!

A Brother In Christ Jesus,

Larry G. Hudson

To :
Subject : Web Pages
Date : Thu, 14 Aug 2003

Hi Wally,
Just to thank you and I'll let you know about the web page when I get the pics taken. I think either Friday or Saturday is when I'm taking them and then after developing I'll get with you. email me your phone number and I'll just call to get with you. I sent your info on Rachel to a few friends to put on their prayer list and I'll be praying as well. If I can be of any help to you or Rachel through this please let me know. Love you guys, Take care and I'll be praying for you.


To : "Wallace Peacock Jr."
Subject :Jesus in my Heart
Date : Thu, 14 Aug 2003

will definitely keep both of you in our prayers! I will also put you on the prayer list, if that's ok.



Please tell Rachel for me that she does not walk this path of trial and tribulation alone. I feel, as do many others who have had the pleasure of meeting her, that as she walks this path God has chosen for her, we also walk with her. She has a blessing in that she has you beside her and knowing you as I do, she has strength to help her through. I continue to ask God for his support for her and especially for you because I can't help but feel the concerns that you must be going through. Your strength is a beacon for those of us think we've got it rough.

Just thinking of y'all and wanted to let you know. I'm there if you need me. I'll let you go now and besides it's time for my prayer session with God so I can discuss this situation and ask for his blessing upon you both. This sounds strange coming from me huh? But you know I've always held something special for great friends.

Later dude.


Hi, Rachel and Wally

Thanks so much for thinking to let us know what's going on w/you guys. I'm sorry you have to work through all of this in this lifetime, Rachel, but you definitely seem to understand the process of living! (As does Wally - or else why would God have put you two together...)

We'll be thinking of you next week while you're at Emory. How long will you be there? I'll love praying for you both - and for your docs and families.

We'll stay tuned to the website - thanks again!


Julie and Jim Bragg

From : "phillip astumian sr."

Subject: Rachel's Surgery

Date : Mon, 17 Nov 2003

waz supp.wally: phil, hope everything goes good and tell rachel I said U GO GIRL & good luck in everyway

Phil & FairWarning Band......



Subject: Rachel's Surgery glad it was so you both
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003

Wally, glad to get the good news...I know there was some powerful prayers going up for you & Racheal.....take it easy & may God bless you & family abundantly these holidays......see you when I can...Keith Keene

Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003
Subject: Rachel's Surgery

Thanks for the e-mail. Mama has been keeping me updated from your phone calls.

Glad all is going well and I pray that it will that way.


Aunt Kay


Just wondering how Rachel's surgery went. I haven't received any e-mail updates and cannot find any updates on the website.

Hoping everything went well and she's on her way to a speedy recovery.

Wendy, TOF
wife to Todd
mommy to Alexandria, HH, asthma, 3
