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February 24-27, 2005: Fort Desoto Park


February 24-27, 2005
The Sixth Annual "Battle of Ballast Point"!!!
Fort DeSoto Park, Pinellas County, Florida.

"Battle of Ballast Point Media Day!"

"Media Day"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"Media Day"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"Media Day"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"Media Day: Stand up straight for the cameras!"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"Media Day: CHARGE!"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"Battle of Ballast Point, Trip to Egmont Key!"

"Egmont Key and the lighthouse off of Ft. DeSoto Park"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The first armed Union troops on Egmont Key sand probably since the end of the war."

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The 1858 Egmont Key Lighthouse (The other buildings are later period)"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The troops and the lighthouse"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The troops fire a salute to the fallen men and women that perished at Egmont Key during the American Civil War"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

Memorial Service Read at Egmont Key
Lew Zerfas, presiding
February 23, 2005
We gather here today to remember those that are
buried on this place and the neighboring islands –
those that were either stationed here, were
brought here as prisoners, and those that came
here for protection and survival.

During the War of the Rebellion, this place was a
military encampment, a prison, and a safe haven.
Federal troops were stationed at this place.
Several Confederates were confined here.
Numerous civilians, residents of local areas,
relocated here for their own safety.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find the
names of all that were buried here during the
war. So we pray for the souls of the unnamed as
well as those that we do know are buried in this

On or about August 26, 1862:
· Scott Whitehurst killed on the mainland at
Pinellas. His body brought to this place.
· John Whitehurst shot with his brother, Scott
died at this place.

October 17, 1863:
· Joseph O'Donnell, ordinary seaman, mortally
wounded, U.S.S. Adela
· John Roddy, seaman, U.S.S. Adela

Let us bow our heads in a moments silence as we
remember the period of our history when brother
fought against brother, and father against son..
A period where people had to leave their homes
for safe refuge. A period where a country fought
against itself where each side fought for freedom.
Heavenly Father, may the soles of those resting
at this place – rest in peace – Amen.

"Battle of Ballast Point, The reenactment!"

"U.S. Marines of the U.S.S. Fort Henry"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"A Revolutionary War Fife and Drum Corps"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The Confederate Camp"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The Union Camp"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"A Union Fife & Drum Corps."

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The Rebs form up their troops!"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The Union troops prepare for battle!"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"The artillery takes aim."

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

"Union reinforcements arrive!"

Photo compliments of Dave Glenn

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