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Publications - P C Adkins & K P Adkins

Reports of Pat and Kelvin Adkins excavations are recorded under the following titles .

M S WORD PATSREF2.rtf November 2002


Reports of Pat and Kelvin Adkins excavations are recorded under the following titles .

"A Neolithic cooking pit at Chigborough Farm, Little Totham". (Colchester Archaeological Group Bulletin. VOL. 27. p 33-44.)

"Saxon loom weights and Roman Pottery from Chigborough Farm, Little Totham". CAG Bull; VOL. 28. p 44-56.

"A Neolithic settlement on the North Bank of the River Blackwater". CAG Bull; VOL. 34. p 15-28.

"Three Late Bronze Age Smiths’ Hoards" CAG Bull; VOL. 29 p27

" A Corn-grinding wheel from Tolleshunt D’arcy. CAG Bull; VOL 26. p13-16.

ICI Imagedata Magazine 7th August 1989

"Up Up and away" Article by Kelvin Adkins on some of his experiences whilst flying and photographing Crop Marks in the area.


Other works & articles by Pat & Kelvin Adkins include

"Heybridge Basin" by Nigel Brown and Pat Adkins (A report on the Sail Training Lake Dig published by Essex County Council)

"ROOK HALL" An article on Rookhall Iron working Site by

Pat Adkins Published in Current Archaeology NUMBER 115 pages 262 & 263

"Maeldune" Light on Maldons Distant Past ISBN 0 9511948 1 X

Errata See acknowledgements Page 5 (Calvin Adkins should read Kelvin Adkins)

THE LONE DIGGER Page vi Essex Archaeology Issue No 3 Essex Chronicle Series ( Essex County Council Supplement)

An article on the archaeological work done by Pat Adkins



Essex Chronicle Series ( Essex County Council Supplement)

Pat Adkins assisted by providing aerial photos of cropmarks to The Essex county Council Archaeology Section over many years.

Essex County Standard July 7th 1989 page 7

Weather shows our county`s past


An article on Aerial photography and new cropmarks found by Pat and Kelvin Adkins


The Independant Tuesday 4th July 1989 page 6

Pat Adkins reported his new Aerial Archaeological cropmark finds to David Keys who wrote the above article.


East Anglian Daily Times Thursday July 6th 1989

"Excavations reveal preserved Roman Well"

Pat Adkins did a three month watching brief alone on this site and handed all his records including Pats Site Drawings Cropmark Drawings and 300 Plotted Features plan as well as Pats Aerial photographs of the cropmarks on the site to Steven Wallis


"A multi period Site at Slough House Farm Great Totham Parish" by Steven Wallis

"A watching brief at Slough House Farm" by Pat Adkins (Forthcoming)

Pat Adkins Kept a three months watching brief on the top soil removal of this Site.

Excavating , recording, plotting over 300 features and drawing up main plans of the site before handing them over together with aerial photos of cropmark formation on the site

and all his records to Steven Wallis.

Unfortunately Steven omitted entering this in his Acknowledgements in his report of the site therefor an article is planned to cover the work carried out by Mr Adkins

"Chigborough Farm, Goldhanger:" The First Season’s Excavation of an Early Settlement by Mags Waughman.

Article in Essex Journal Spring 1989 Vol. 24 No. 1 Page s 15 to 18.

Mags followed on from where I left off at Chigborough Farm Site. Unfortunately the Quarry Sub Contractors destroyed most of the archaeological evidence during unsupervised topsoil removal before her arrival on site

Mags nevertheless made an excellent job in very difficult circumstances.

To try to help I loaned her all my unpublished notes, reports and records when she arrived on site for which she gave me full acknowledgements in her own excavation report .

"Late Iron Age Hoard from Lofts Farm" by Paul Brown

Essex Journal Summer 1985 Vol. 20 No 2 Pages 42 to 45 and front cover photo of Elaine Brown watching Pat Adkins excavating the Hoard.

"A Late Bronze Age Enclosure at Lofts Farm , Essex. by N Brown with contributions from R Holgate, H Major and P Murphy.

An Essex County Council Publication (See Bibliography and Acknowledgements)

"The Red Hills of Essex" Salt making in antiquity by

Colchester Archaeological Group

Page 66 Red Hill numbers 227, 302, 303, 304.

Red Hills identified and recorded by Pat Adkins.

"Archaeology and the Landscape in the Lower Blackwater Valley"

East Anglian Archaeology EAA 82 ISBN 1 85281 160 9

Archaeology Section , Essex County Council 1998

P C & K P Adkins mentions

Pages v, x, full page 233. bibliography 234, Index 240 and 73 other seperate mentions of Pats work .


Excavations and watching briefs by Pat Adkins 1991 - 1994

Sept 1991 to March 1992

"The Archaeology of Messing to Stanway Water pipe line"

by C Crossan

Pat Adkins kept watching brief and visited daily


"Archaeological investigations at Roman Way Barracks Colchester 1994

Pat Adkins kept watching brief and visited daily


"Messing to Tiptree water main Oct 92 to March 1993

Pat Adkins kept watching brief and visited daily

"Kirkee & McMunn Barracks by D Shinnon March to July 1994

Pat Adkins kept watching brief and visited daily

Birch Quarry Watching Brief 1994 to 1995

Pat Adkins kept watching brief and visited daily

Many features excavated some flint and pottery finds

To be Published ASAP

"Roman Hearth / chamber at ARC Quarry Birch

Pat Adkins kept watching brief and visited daily

Grymes Dyke (one week watching Brief by Pat Adkins)

Doctors / Warriers graves

Pat was first to recognise these features as the machine

removed the top soil etc. He Excavated the Amphora in the evening to remove it to a safe place at his home and then deliver it to CAT HQ next morning.





It is intended after processing is completed, to report the remaining sites and finds along the north bank of the river recorded by P C & K P Adkins ( Hopefully in future editions of CAG or MAG Bulletins). These include the Rookhall Excavations 1982-1989, Further reports on Hill Farm Tolleshunt D’arcy 1983 and some of the other minor excavations, Aerial archaeological surveys and Metal detecting / Field walking surveys.

From the results of these excavations an assessment has been made of the inhabitants way of life at the time of occupation.


Main web site summarising archaeological excavations carried out by Pat Adkins North of the River Blackwater , Essex

address /P>


Pat Adkins' Archaeological Excavations North of River Blackwater Essex. Including an Early Saxon Iron Smelting site
Pat Adkins' Saxon Iron Smelting site excavation
