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Andy Divelbiss  
Andy Divelbiss

HT: 6' 1" WT: 215 lbs DOB: 04-20-85 BATS: R THROWS: R

Batting Stats
2002 68 25 31 .456 1 1 2 19 28 1.37 3.58 93 -
Career 215 75 97 .451 2 5 4 57 87 1.307 3.772 281 -

Pitching Stats
Year W L S IP ER H K E.R.A. Starts CG H/7 Inn K/7 Inn APP Cy
2002 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Career 2 1 0 27 23 43 5 5.96 4 2 11.15 6 x x

2003 Outlook: Divelbiss isn't the all-time homerun champion for no reason.  He is an absolutely great hitter.  Andy could be the most feared player at the plate this year.  It isn't absurd to say that he could not only approach his record of 38 homeruns, but hit 40+.  With the on base hitters he has in front of him this year, he could drive in a career high number of runs as well.  What makes Andy a truly special player is the fact that he has improved his fielding so much that he could even be a Gold Glove candidate this year.  Divelbiss could be thinking MVP come July.

About Andy Divelbiss: Divelbiss is a pure slugger, nothing more nothing less. Like many other power hitters, he lacks on base skills when he doesn't go yard. Unlike power hitters, he doesn't strike out very often, so he puts the ball in play. A very poor fielder, so therefore he is better used on the mound. Andy is the AWBL Homerun Champion, hitting 38 homeruns, 30 in the second half of the season. Andy was also named to the All-AWBL team for 2001.

2002 Outlook: Most would expect a player who was last years homerun champion and was an All-AWBL member to be drafted higher than the 2nd round, but because of new bat restrictions Andy's draft status dropped severely. Last season it seemed as if Andy made contact, the ball was going on the roof. It won't be as easy for him this year, and he will have to prove that his team got a steal taking him in the 2nd round. 38 homeruns will be hard to attain this year, but if anyone can do it, its Andy. Depending on who steps up, Andy could be the most important player on his team. He will need to run out singles this year and get on base more often. On a team with limited pitching ability, he will have to make a difference on the mound as well.

Magic Metric Rating:

2002: 11th of 24
2001: 3rd of 15 (3.88)