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David Zimmerman  
David Zimmerman

HT: 5'11" WT: 220 lbs DOB: 09-09-85 BATS: R THROWS: R

Batting Stats
2002 106 37 51 .481 1 12 4 24 40 1.36 4.42 144 -
Career 189 49 70 .370 9 15 6 33 55 1.042 5.727 197 -

Pitching Stats
Year W L S IP ER H K E.R.A. Starts CG H/7 Inn K/7 Inn APP Cy
2002 1 1 0 13.5 30 40 1 15.56 2 1 20.74 .519 4 -
Career 3 2 1 32.5 18 30 3 3.88 3 2 6.46 .65 8 -

2003 Outlook: The only reason Zimmerman wasn't a top 10 draft pick in 2003 was that AWBL Captains questioned his effort in key World Series games in 2002. Zimmerman can hit the ball a mile and surprisingly can hit for average. He is an average fielder, but he is an above average pitcher and holds the single season record for E.R.A. He is a veteran, and for that reason he should see quick playing time for Team Guidash. Once he proves again that he will try his best to help his team, he will be a permanent fixture in the lineup. With due playing time, he could hit 30 homeruns this year.

About David Zimmerman: Zimmerman is slow. Rarely gets on, but can hit an occisional home run. If not, its an almost guaranteed out. Can be effective as a pitcher, but other times can be rocked. An average fielder, better than some. Finalist in 2001 All-Star Homerun Derby despite poor hitting numbers all season. Great devotion, a true abassador of the AWBL.

2002 Outlook: Zimmerman is on a new team this year and is looking for respect. No one believes in Zim more than Zim himself. He feels that he is just as good a power hitter as anyone in the league. He also feels that he is the best pitcher in the league because of his record-low E.R.A. in 2001 (not many Innings Pitched). Zim is yet to prove either of these true over a long period of time. In order to be successful he has to prove he can get on base in clutch situations. He'll be used as a pitcher and needs to produce for his team. If he's as good as he thinks he is, could be a Cy Young contender.

Magic Metric Rating:

2002: 10th of 24
2001: 12th of 15 (9.5)