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Bill Stories
page created by KazuyaZ

This new section is devoted to Bill's discussions on AIM.


Bill22185: gfjkdfsghoijdsgf
Bill22185: jaytaya'\
MrWhite92: yeah
Bill22185: jpw r ur
MrWhite92: are you ok?
Bill22185: vetrytrex
MrWhite92: no you're not
Bill22185: hoq was class efd
MrWhite92: ok
Bill22185: haRD
Bill22185: ?\
MrWhite92: no not really
Bill22185: sameme
MrWhite92: how drunk are you?
Bill22185: nonere rgbn u
MrWhite92: bullshit
Bill22185: lol
Bill22185: jays uh havvinn fun?
MrWhite92: yeah
Bill22185: cominn homeme this wekeend
MrWhite92: i think so
Bill22185: cooo
Bill22185: v me 2
Bill22185: night jjay
MrWhite92: seeya
MrWhite92: thanks


QuadNip31: hey bill
Bill22185: pa paenguoinb
QuadNip31: whats crackin
Bill22185: notyihj ' u
QuadNip31: your drunk
Bill22185: nahs
Bill22185: dsdssca
QuadNip31: how much have you had to drink tonight?
Bill22185: e09onuogh
Bill22185: night [aaa pengunin


MrWhite92: hey
Bill22185: whatsyt up[
MrWhite92: i thought you weren't allowed to get drunk
Bill22185: i cansn as long ads i don;t vcut myself and bleed 2 dreath
Bill22185: howow r yyopur gogsa
Bill22185: doogs
MrWhite92: good and you?
Bill22185: aqewesome
MrWhite92: are you about to pass out?
Bill22185: noos siree yu
MrWhite92: your lying
Bill22185: id bebe lying id i saidid u had tits
MrWhite92: how much did you have to drink?
Bill22185: one 2 ythousand
MrWhite92: that's alot
Bill22185: notihin u
MrWhite92: what?
Bill22185: howw r u u7
MrWhite92: ok
MrWhite92: so if you cut yourself, you would die?
Bill22185: baAIICALTL
Bill22185: yessa
MrWhite92: you didn't go long without drinking
Bill22185: yea i didid 3 weeks
MrWhite92: that's not very long
Bill22185: longer thanna your peeppee
MrWhite92: i think my "peeppee" is longer than 3 weeks
Bill22185: hahaha i opw jay'
MrWhite92: how are things with your roommate?
Bill22185: hhehes fucks hiiss siter
MrWhite92: is he there?
Bill22185: yupup
MrWhite92: i hope he didn't read what you said about him
Bill22185: fuvkv him poop eater
MrWhite92: did you call me gay?
Bill22185: nono guy
Bill22185: jsjsut can;t typee
Bill22185: does rakin like coes?
MrWhite92: what?
Bill22185: hi jeff
MrWhite92: hello
Bill22185: j-eello
MrWhite92:you are a goddamn idiot
Bill22185: bnHA
Bill22185: takkewew on me!1
MrWhite92: what are you saying?
Bill22185: hhey
MrWhite92: hello
Bill22185: hey
MrWhite92: hello
Bill22185: what ip[
MrWhite92: nothing
Bill22185: jayau = cooler than 300 gt
MrWhite92: thanks
Bill22185: butt...
MrWhite92: yes
MrWhite92: you have class tomorrow/
Bill22185: yesa
Bill22185: many
Bill22185: bttww i changd my major
MrWhite92: to
Bill22185: ophsycis
MrWhite92: i thought you hated physics
Bill22185: mnono i hated barb thata cum guzlzing intenret slut who i hatw causaw shes mean to me aoemtiems alot t KBOW
MrWhite92: you didn't switch majors while you were drunk did you?
Bill22185: hahahai ohpe not
Bill22185: jesff
MrWhite92: yeah
Bill22185: u dirknkn yeuyt'fdjkl;dsafj;hjkl;fkc,v,mxcgjvtrgjnfdsxcvnfdgfdghjkfdsgjkl;fdsjkgfdgknfdngbmvcmbnvcbnvxcbmnbvvxcb,mnvxcbnghvjtrewytrw
MrWhite92: i'm not really dirknkn
Bill22185: aaqwwr
MrWhite92: you should go to sleep
Bill22185: yeyea
MrWhite92: you have class tomorrow?
Bill22185: maamnny
MrWhite92: excuse me?
Bill22185: many
MrWhite92: what time?
Bill22185: i jsut hcangedm y mnajot
MrWhite92: you told me
MrWhite92: talking to you while your drunk is like talking to a semi-retarded kid
Bill22185: 2 ophysucds
MrWhite92: i know
Bill22185: ntrohi but peavr love and street passion every ghetto needs a tuhgs manssion
MrWhite92: where did you drink?
Bill22185: shooyters
Bill22185: banang bang
MrWhite92: but your not old enough to drink
Bill22185: dooew;nt matter
Bill22185: i xnana buyt it
MrWhite92: you could get arrested and your mom would beat on you
Bill22185: youyor mom woudl beat me
Bill22185: ofof tjaya itr
MrWhite92: good one
Bill22185: yuhgz mansinop\
MrWhite92: oh yeah
Bill22185: nahs
Bill22185: youtr nas
MrWhite92: i'm nas eh?
Bill22185: ery
Bill22185: yeas
MrWhite92: wow thanks
Bill22185: yeeys

trishaa psusy fluid

Bill22185: foofouhm atirxc revoluations
Doug23789: bill i thought u couldnt drink
Doug23789: cause of the leg
Bill22185: i cmnana i foudn out
Bill22185: only a sbiyt
Bill22185: u = thr shit
Doug23789: oh man bill what were u drinkin
Bill22185: everythinf
Bill22185: trishaa psusy fluid
Doug23789: ez bill
Bill22185: sorry
Bill22185: u = better htna jeffd
Doug23789: thanks
Bill22185: andn u = bette than 30000000 gt
Doug23789: thx
Doug23789: i guess ur having fun at WVU
Doug23789: meeting some girls?
Bill22185: haha meea
Bill22185: eytaa
Bill22185: meet girls like jeff meessts doogfa
Doug23789: hey u gonna get final fantasy online?
Bill22185: doogg i msis druinigbig to schoo lwuith u and yu getitnmg ad woan'
Bill22185: yeywas should i?
Doug23789: yea its gonna be good
Bill22185: okk
Bill22185: cnana i be ghte porrn star
Doug23789: that would be cool
Bill22185: yeyea u areweoms
Doug23789: theres some parties here bill, but u have to be invited by a frat or play football to go
Bill22185: i fdidod]
Bill22185: u pimopd
Bill22185: doiuog y does tirehs hate me
Doug23789: she doesnt, remember she laughed at your jokes all night
Doug23789: when u said jeff, dance with me
Bill22185: ohoho yeaa
Doug23789: she was cracking up
Bill22185: dpuphg
Bill22185: dough doigsa = frogs
Bill22185: DOHG
Bill22185: u = gseweet
Doug23789: frogs?
Bill22185: cohoclate dogs
Doug23789: man how much did u drink
Bill22185: night ingga
Doug23789: alright im getting off aim