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Saturday, May 3rd 2003

    Tee-off time was 1:00 PM (1:30 PM RST). The EPRR Ref never showed up, so the makeshift referee was a Wilkes-Barre player who also happened to be a C-3 (PS429425) rugby referee.

    The match started off in favor of Bloomsburg, including hard tackles from Shawn Mallon, G-Spot and Snowball. Wilkes-Barre's senior level antics wore the college ruggers thin as tensions broke many times. The half ended with BU up by 1 point, just missing a try at the expiration of play.

    An early second half try by "Lethal Madman" Chaos put Bloomsburg up by 8 points. Tactical kicking by EPRU All-Star flyhalf Todd Cuniglia improved field position, but inexperience and immaturity surfaced as BU was penalized all the way down the field. Nearly the conclusion of the match, WB was up by 1 point and mauled 15 metres in for the try. With the conversion kick WB amassed a winning score of 40-32 at full time.

   The unofficial third half gave a chance for some younger ruggers to show their stuff. Strong showing by Chinstrap, Michael Landon, and Spooner. I'd like to add that Spooner scored his first try ever and had the best try-zone dance ever!