In the battle between Galaxia and the Sailor Scouts, Chaos ended up taking over Galaxia’s body. Chaos then ended up killing everyone except Eternal Sailor Moon. This even included Tuxedo Mask, Kakyuu, and Galaxia’s starseed. All of a sudden, Eternal Sailor Moon hears a little voice. It was the voice of Sailor ChibiChibi Moon. She was saying that in order to defeat Chaos, ChibiChibi had to turn into a sword. She did but Eternal Sailor Moon refused to use her. Chaos then killed Sailor ChibiChibi Moon by shattering her while she was a sword.
Eventually, Eternal Sailor Moon turned Chaos back into Galaxia and everyone returned. As Darien appears, he holds ChibiChibi. Out of nowhere, Kakyuu appears. She leaves with the Starlights to start and new Kinmoku. ChibiChibi and Galaxia say their farewells and go to return all of the stolen starseeds.
Well!? What do you think of just the intro?? hehe
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