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This memorial is a testimonial to our friends that

Alphabetical Listing
Recent Losses

Bill Boxheimer
July 2001 - Retired from DLC in 1984? Spent most of his career as Mail Room Supervisor.
Thomas W. Chapman, Jr.
August 2001 - Retired as Supervisor of Meter Reading with 42 years of service. He lived in Myrtle Beach S.C.
Waldo L. Crapo
November 2002 - (everyone called him Lowell, his middle name) and he retired as
Superintendent of Substations in 1979. He began his career with DLC in 1940,
and with the exception of service time in World War II, worked until he retired from there.

Ronald F. DePastino
July 2002 - Ron had 51 years of service when he retired.
He worked last in Valuation and Property Records department.
Paul J. Egan
November 2001 Mr. Egan, husband of Janet, had 36 years of service when he retired in 1982, from T. & D.
George W. 'Jasper' Evans
April 2002 - Jasper retired in 1979 from Substations & Shops with almost 45 years of service.

Richard G. Golias
November 2001 - Mr. Golias had 37 years of service when he retired in 1994, from Gen. Purchasing Dept.
Edward J. Hartman
June 2002 - Mr. Hartman worked in the Central Office in Gen. Acctg. Department.
He had been retired for almost 30 years.
Curt Jackson
January 2003 - Curt was Superintendent of Engineering in Substations and Shops
at the time of his retirement in 1976. He worked for DLC for 42 years.

William Kessler, Jr.
January 2002 - Bill retired from Power Stations Dept in 1984, with 35 years of service
Joseph J. Lozito
October 2001 - Mr. Lozito had 39 years of service in 1978, when he retired from Power Stations Dept.
Thomas P. McGrath Sr.
October 2001 - He was an Administrative employee in Power Stations Dept. prior to his retirement.

Gilbert W. 'GIL' Moore
March 2002 - Gil retired in 1982? from Power Stations Dept. as a Manager with 43 years of service.
Samuel S. Nadine Sr.
March 2002 - Mr. Nadine retired from Personnel Dept. as a supervisor.
William O. Nixon
March 2001 - Most of his career was in Power Stations. He retired as an Electrician in 1980 with 40 yrs. service.
Dennis R. O'Brien
July 2002 - Denny had 32 years of service.
Most of his Company experience was in the Credit & Collection Department.
Dorothy Ruffenach
May 2001 - Retired from Personnel Department. Had been living in Cincinnati, Ohio
Charles Stickles
May 2001 - Retired as a Mechanic at Elrama Power Station in 1980, with 40 years service.
Paul E. "Cy" Sickles
April 2001 - Retired with 39 years service in 1980 from T & D Dept, at the Hershey Rd. Facility.
Thomas Chester 'Chet' Thomas
Aug. 2001 - He was office manager of Engineering & Construction when he retired about 20 years ago.
Fred "Ziggy" Walters
November 2002 - Fred was a Systems Operations supervisor with 42 years of service when he retired.
Walter Wardzinski
June 2001 - Retired from Legal Dept. in 1987 as Vice President, Legal/Corporate Comminications.

If you know of any retiree who should be included here, please send me details and I'll update this file as quickly as I can.

Please support those that you want to, but feel free to 'close' your eyes to any that you don't want to endorse.
Just pretend that those aren't there!

This Web Site is maintained by Walt Hunt '99