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DLCO Retirees 'Sister Site'











The Best People deserve current retiree news
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since November 27, 2000

NOTE: "The Thoughts" page is updated EVERY day.
*NEW* "The Daily Joke" is updated EVERY day.-
"The Jokes" are updated once per week.-
Clemente Bridge Lighting
"Newly lighted Roberto Clemente Bridge" Photo by Walt Hunt

November 22, 2002 - Walt Hunt - Last evening, I was fortunate to have been invited to be part of the DQE Clemente Bridge Lighting festivities.

It was a truly memorable experience. The opening statements by Morgan O'Brien and many other dignitaries, including Governor-elect Rendell, City Council members Bob O'Connor, Sala Udin and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editor John Craig were brief and meaningful for all Pittsburgh residents.

There was a tent erected inside the gates of PNC Park where some refreshments and light snacks were available. All in all, it seemed that everyone had a great evening out.

Obituary Update

November 18, 2002 - Walt Hunt - As is the practice, any time that obituary news is received, it is posted here.
Please click on "In Memory" on the left of the screen.

NOTE: Please let me know of any retiree news that should be posted at this site.


November 08, 2002 - Walt Hunt - DQE PITTSBURGH – Duquesne Light today announced that it will sponsor a unique fireworks show as part of the Clemente Bridge Lighting ceremony scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21.

“The eve of Light Up Night provides a natural prelude to permanently illuminate the bridge,” said Morgan K. O’Brien, president and chief executive officer of DQE, Duquesne Light’s parent company. “We are planning a spectacular fireworks show to mark the occasion and invite the public to join us as we debut our gift to the region.”

Among those invited to participate in the lighting ceremony are Allegheny County Chief Executive Jim Roddey, Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy, Pittsburgh City Councilman Sala Udin, Arthur Ziegler of the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation and John Craig of the Riverlife Task Force.

On or around 6:45 p.m., the new lights will be illuminated with fireworks arranged by Zambelli Fireworks Internationale to follow. The fireworks will be shot upwards and over the sides of the bridge to create a cascading waterfall effect.

September 17, 2002 - Walt Hunt - There is a new feature at this site. Admittedly, it isn't exclusively for retirees, though. It is an open forum for anyone to share the plans, necessities and general 'chat' about the Employee Community Activity Committee.

It is in the initial stages of re-formation. I was asked if it would be possible to include this information at OUR site. Click on the ECAC link at the left to go there.

September 15, 2002 - Walt Hunt - Yesterday, I attended the Open House at the DOC. The exhibits were very interesting and the attendees all seemed to have a good time. There were individual bags of take-home gifts. The luncheon was by Montemurro's Catering Service and the food was excellent. While I was there, I spoke to employees and discovered that there is interest in reviving the ECAC. For purposes of keeping all of us up to date, I'll include a page here at this web site. It will be updated as news is received.
There will also be a new conduit for news from Duq. Light and DQE. Updates will be posted whenever anything is received.

May 28, 2002 - Walt Hunt - A news release made public yesterday announced the reorganization of DQE (again). However, also included in this release was news of the intended aim of DQE to 'get back to the basic core' of business.
More will follow, I'm certain.
Here's the link to the Post-Gazette article appearing yesterday:
"P-G May 27, 2002 article"

April 11, 2002 - Walt Hunt - An exciting method of communication is available by using the Internet to make phone calls.......ANYWHERE in the world! It's PC to PC and it's almost as good as being on the phone. there's a delay after each time you talk and the time that your 'PAL' talks. Other than that, it's just the same. I've used it for about a month now and I'm entirely satisfied that there are NO charges! Long Distance is FREE! All you will need is the PAL name of whomever you want to talk to. That can be accomplished by using e-mail to your friends. You can get the program at:


There is another picture in our gallery on Page 3 of the photographs. This is beginning to be a great supplement to our overall web presence.

April 5, 2002 - Walt Hunt - AAH! Springtime, when everyone's thoughts turn to the wonderful images of new growth and general greening of everything that grows! This is a great rebirth of our countryside. It gives us a spring in our step. brings to mind, "Spring Ahead", when it concerns:

Daylight Savings Time.
Don't forget to set all your clocks AHEAD tomorrow night before you go to bed.

April 3, 2002 - Walt Hunt - As you have seen, this site is slowly looking more and more like the old one. I hope you'll enjoy the snail-like emergence of the new site as much as I'm enjoying my attempts to make it measure up favorably beside the old one. In time, I fully intend to make this one the accepted 'standard'.

Now included on the 'DLCO FRIENDS' page are memorials for those friends who were much more than just co-workers! They were so special to all who knew them, that everyone would want to know about them.

The attempt to remember ALL of our friends can be accomplished on this page. If anyone knows of an item which should be included, please let me know and I'll make the entry.

March 31, 2002 - Walt Hunt - I'm unfortunately just NOW finding time to include this greeting to everybody!


March 26, 2002 - Walt Hunt - At this time of the year, most people are exposed to THE major holiday for ALL Christians. Here is a link to a tour of ROME, to which all minds return on an annual basis, at least. This tour is Virtual, but very interesting and educational. Also, there is a link to the "WAY OF THE CROSS", which visits the actual sites of the locations where history was made. These addresses have been included here if you are unable to use the links.

March 21, 2002 - Walt Hunt - Spring is here again! It's time for all of us to get out and once again interact with Nature and one another.
Yesterday, I attended another monthly Breakfast meeting of the South Hills retirees. There are some more new photos, too. It was well attended and everyone was happy to see some non-regular visitors. We all need to keep in touch, and this is a great way to continue friendships. If there is any way that I can publicize more news about any of the regular get-togethers, I will. There will be a listing of regular meetings published here in the very near future. Please let me know if your meetings are not shown, and I'll include them.

March 14, 2002 - Walt Hunt - I received a letter from DLCO Corporate Communications today. The letter was a request to publicize the book "Warwick Coal Mines". Much of the material was taken from Warwick archived records and from the Duq. Light News. Information about purchasing this book can be seen at the web site:

or by phone: Lonnie Miller 724-966-2469

or by email to: Lonnie Miller
You can also send me email and I'll forward to whoever.

March 10, 2002 - Walt Hunt - As each day breaks, there is a dreadful feeling among the 'surviving' employees that it might be their last day of working at DLCO. There have been so many folks 'downsized' that it's still news. However.....there is a feeling of numbness that has pervaded every observer. It's just more of the same news to us now. The sadness of watching a once great place to work crumble under the pressures of a new way of doing business is much too much to bear. For this reason, I'm including a space for NON-RETIRED FORMER EMPLOYEES. It'll be a place for all of them to feel a small part of the camaradrie that we share. If you know of anyone with this status, please send me their e-address. I'll then be better equipped to share with others who ask about them.

THIS WILL BE THE PRIMARY SITE- This site is probably going to supplement the old, more extensive retiree's site. I just learned recently that my web building software company was acquired by another company. The new company has made changes to the software and I can no longer use my 'older' version. I won't pay, so the luxury of being able to update the original site is being withheld from me until I can figure out a way to update it with other software. In the meantime, I will update here for as long as I can. NOTE: If you click on anything that links you to the old site, you'll have to use your BACK button to return to the new site.

THIS WEB SITE USES ADVERTISING TO SUPPORT THE CONTINUED FREE USE BY MEMBERS. Please support those that you want to, but feel free to 'close' your eyes to any that you don't want to endorse. Just pretend that those aren't there!

This Web Site is maintained by Walt Hunt '99