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undefined Fall VG Day 2004: Comin At Ya Like Pac-Man on a Power Pill

EUP Animation Club Presents:
VG Day

Fall VG Day 2004
_______Main___Event___Day Games___Tournaments___Voting___Sponsors!___Directions___Rules_______

Latest Updates:

10-17-04, 230pm, by Shorty Jack
Well we have a week to go and still we are running behind. I did some updating as much as I could. The sport game is cancelled and being replaced with Mortal Kombat Deception. DDR divisions, doubles and freestyle, are more than likely going to be cancelled. Some prices have changed some times have changed some sponsors have been added so take a look!

10-1-04, 1030pm, by Shorty Jack & Pogo
Yea! It's finally October! We did some sponsorships in Erie last night and got some great results! You can find them updated on the Sponsors! page. We have also been working really hard with everything else including the Rules Page. That has been a pain in the ass! We have also been really busy with other projects with the animation club such as homecoming and Ottawa, but they're close to ending and we will have to start finishing this up. We are still waiting for some other sponsors to responsed to our letter and we haven't asked in town yet so it's still getting better. However the prizes that we have now are great that are worth close to $500! So everyone better come to win and claim these prizes we have!

9-25-04, 215pm, by Shorty Jack
Now that a lot of time has gone by and we have some information I will be doing some work. Nothing major just a few links added and a lot of updates. Time to get started!

8-9-04, 900am, by Shorty Jack
Okay a lot to do today! I'm going to try to get the Rules page up, a stations page, and try to get the new website running where this will be transfered too. So hopefully, I can get it all done!

8-4-04, 10pm, by Shorty Jack
I did some last minute updates and changed a few pages. I will also be adding a Rules page shortly for tournament uses. Until next time! Catch ya!

7-20-04, 9pm, by Pogo
Well, we changed the tournament schedule around a little bit... nothing major. It also shows some of the day game consoles, like the NES and Dreamcast, which will have several games each; and the stations that will feature Fuzion Frenzy and DDRMax for the entire event...
Also, the Double Dash Battle tournament got added in, but we're not even sure if we're gonna have it yet.
i change this thing, like, every week, so keep checking back.

7-14-04, 830pm, by Shorty Jack
I've decided to update the site with as much information that I could. The Day Games has a list of all the games that will be supplied during the day. The event has more information to the animation club and basic faqs. And the rest are updated to the best of my ability. I think pogo will get on and update any information he knows too.

7-14-04, 1045am, by Pogo
I shouldn't be up this early. Plenty of bad news. First, the date has been changed, since the MPR is reserved already that day (they're showing Passion of the Christ again...), so we're changing to Oct 24. Second, the fact that the event is on a sunday means that the event can't start until after noon. We can't start setting up until 11am, at the earliest. Third, We'd have to be finished by 8pm so that we can get the place cleaned up before the UC closes. This is going to have a very bad effect on the tournaments available, and we might not be able to have as many as we want (Last count was 16)... but i'd still like to have more than the 6 from last time. Hopefully, if our plans go through for the Spring VG Day (2005), we'll get bettter hours to work with, and possibly get all 16 tournaments to go.

7-12-04, 733pm, by Shorty Jack
Nothing new going on. Still trying to figure out sponsors. If anyone has any ideas on any other games that could be played but not a tournament let us know...also maybe some advertising ideas and some food ideas and just what you want in general! Catch ya!

7-6-04, 1230pm, by Pogo
Shorty Jack put together a bunch of polls dealing with the event, such as what foods and games should be featured. To vote on these polls, click here. There's no point in voting repeatedly on a single poll, since the final decisions will be made by the club, but your opinion will have an influence on the final decision.

also, remember those other polls that i mentioned a few days ago? They're up. I thought i was doing it wrong, because stupid Angelfire doesn't show poll scripts during Preview mode.

7-6-04, 1108am, by Shorty Jack
Now that it's morning I'm going to try to make some polls. It will help us make decisions easier like... what type of games, tournaments, food, drinks, and just some fun ones for my pleasure!

7-6-04, 1209am, by Shorty Jack
So I had this great idea to try to get an actual arcade machine for ddr, but I'm still trying and I don't know if it will happen. I also talked to a lot of ddr fans at (very awesome site you should visit it) and they are helping with some of the rules since most of them have experience. Anyway if we do get sponsorship and get the machine it will open up another station for all day play. Time is running short, got some more planning to do.

6-30-04, 230am, by Pogo
Well, same layout, but there's a new background image, and i added a link back to the news page. I also plan to add polls, determining which games should be made available as tournaments (for the undecided games, at least)

6-15-04, 2am, by Pogo
Here it is, the first of several attempts to get this thing off the ground.
Any news regarding VG Day will be posted on this page as it comes up.

... if i remember.