Fire Safety for Kids
Did you know that kids, just like you, are very important to the safety of their family? You guys can learn how to save your whole family by making sure that fire doesn't happen where you live! And I bet you can even help keep your school and all your friends safe too!
The very first thing you need to know that if your house, or your school catches on fire, you need to get out and stay out! Fire is very dangerous, once you are outside, don't go back inside no matter what. The firefighters will do everything we can to make sure that your house and your things are ok. You are really important to us and we want to know that are ok first.
Here are some things that you can do so that your whole family has a plan to get out of the house in a fire.
Make a plan. Draw a picture of your house and make sure that everyone has two ways to get out if there is a fire. Then practice your plan.
Make a meet up place. This is a place that everyone will go to if there is a fire at home.
Make sure your parents put a smoke alarm in or near your bedroom. It will help you wake up if there is a fire at night.
If the smoke alarm goes off, feel your bedroom door. If it is cold, crawl to the nearest exit and go outside to your meet up place. If the door is hot, stay in your room. Do not hide. Lay on the floor. The firefighters will come and find you and help you outside.
Keep a whistle near your bed. If you get stuck in your room during a fire, blow the whistle. The firefighters will hear it and find you faster.
So now that you know what to do if your house is on fire, what about your school?
Listen to your teachers, they will help you to an exit.
Stay calm. Don't talk. Help the other kids to do the same. The less noise you make, the easier it is for your teachers to help you.
Remember what you learn in your fire drills. Those fire drills are like practice for the real thing. Try to do what you were taught in the fire drills. Shut out lights, close the windows and doors, and get in a line with your class so that you can get out of your school.
So what can you do to keep yourself and your friends safe from fire?
Don't play with matches or lighters. If you find matches or lighters, take them to your parents, teachers, or another adult.
Don't play with candles. The flame and burn you, and the wax is hot. Candles should never be lit with out an adult there.
If you find a gas can, or something that you aren't sure of, tell an adult right away.
Learn to stop, drop, cover, and roll! If your clothes catch on fire, stop what you are doing, drop to the ground, cover your face, and roll around! Keep rolling until all the fire is out! If your friend's clothes catch on fire, help them to stop, drop, cover and roll, or cover them in a blanket.
Ask your teachers to take a trip to the fire station. The firefighters can teach you everything there is to know about fire safety.
Ask your mom, dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, whoever, to make a fire safety plan and practice it with you.
If you ever have any questions about how to keep your self, your family, and your friends safe from fire,
you can e-mail me!
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