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The Official Hook-Up Handbook

"Rules for the Game"

Created By: Mary Nuttle, Katie Stabile, Heather Kelley, and Jackie Kramer

of Gettysburg College

  1. You must know the person’s name. If you do not, make sure you ask before anything happens.

  2. It is considered polite and a common courtesy to in some way acknowledge the person the next day, a nod or smile will suffice.

  3. At any point in the future it is not proper to run away (ie. turn tail and run, hide, or duck and cover) from a former hook-up.

  4. If a guy asks you to go home with him, it does not necessarily mean he likes you/finds you attractive. If he doesn’t ask you to go home with him, he definitely doesn’t like you/find you attractive.

  5. If a girl asks you to go home with her, she probably likes you/finds you attractive. If she doesn’t ask you to go home with her, it doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t like you/find you attractive.

  6. If a friend has lingering feelings/desires to hook-up again with a former hook-up, you are not allowed to hook-up with that person.

  7. However, if the original person gives you the okay it is acceptable to hook-up/join in.

  8. Hooking-up with people who are roommates is okay only if neither of the roommates expects anything more from said hook-up.

  9. Hooking-up with friends should be approached with extreme caution, especially if it is to be a recurring thing.

  10. If you hook-up once you definitely should not expect anything more.

  11. If you hook-up more than once you still should not expect anything more.

  12. If you hook-up more than a dozen times you can possibly consider something more, but only if the person talks to you outside the “hooking-up scenario.”

  13. If he keeps coming back, he probably wants to hook-up more.

  14. Although there is no definite signal for desire to hook-up again, there should be dammit! Physical contact, prolonged eye contact or verbal contact beyond the obligatory “hi” are good indicators.

  15. Drunkenness is an acceptable excuse for hooking-up with someone ugly/involved/bad dancer/bad dresser/much younger/much older.

  16. It is acceptable to ditch your friends if the opportunity to hook-up arises.

  17. It is unacceptable to ditch your friends to go in search of a hook-up.

  18. It is acceptable to have more than one person you are hooking-up with at a given time, however it is unacceptable to lie about it.

  19. After an extensive making-out period (ie. one to two hours), girls would very much appreciate being allowed to sleep, however guys are willing to go every half hour.

  20. If you have invited someone to sleep in your bed, you are not allowed to kick them out in the middle of the night.

  21. If you have been asked to sleep in someone else’s bed, you damn sure better give them room.

  22. If you are about to embark on the Walk of Shame, it is not necessary to wake the person before you depart, unless you want to have future contact with this person.

  23. Lap dance with caution.

  24. If you go home with a guy, you are not required to do more than make-out, however he is probably expecting it.

  25. Booty calls are acceptable when you have had recent contact with the caller.

  26. Booty calls out of the blue are a no-no.

  27. When hooking-up with many people who room together, it is not a good idea to hook-up with all but one roommate. He gets jealous.

  28. A girl should be wary of getting a reputation such as a “kissing slut” or worse. For guys this is not a concern.

  29. It is not necessarily a wise move to hook-up with a person or people who live on the same floor as you, it gets around.

  30. Guys DO TALK about hook-ups, so don’t ever think you’re in the clear.

  31. Beware of townies.

  32. Always remember alcohol may cause memory loss, do not assume you will be remembered the next day or that you have not forgotten someone.

  33. Some people do not see illness (even mono) as an excuse not to hook-up.

  34. Use caution when giving out your phone number, you may not always desire the phone call the next day or at 5 AM the next time the person is intoxicated.

  35. Ear sucking can be enjoyable if done right, however it can be a turn off if executed improperly.

  36. There is a thin line between being drunk and puking - cross that line and you could ruin a potential hook-up.

  37. Hooking up after puking is unacceptable, unless you have brushed your teeth or chewed gum for an extensive period of time.

  38. The obligatory "hi" may possibly not be necessary when it is a brief dance floor hook-up (ie. you are dancing really close together and your faces just happen to meet).

  39. The obligatory “hi” may be suspended after roughly a week’s time if you have no additional contact or conversation with your hook-up.

  40. However, if you previously knew this person (ie. they live on your floor or are in a class with you) future acknowledgment is always necessary.

  41. In the future it is good hook-up manners to always acknowledge former hook-ups, no matter what previous relationship existed.

  42. Meal time encounters of hook-ups can be extremely awkward; it is best to simply nod in recognition and sit in a position that does not put you in the direct line of sight of your hook-up.

  43. Beware of the “wanna hang-out?” it generally means “wanna hook-up?”

  44. If you encounter a hook-up of your own or a friend's who, due to the effects of alcohol, does not remember the hook-up,it's good hook-up etiquette and also very entertaining to inform him/her of their previous escapade.

  45. It is a shared duty to prevent friends from hooking-up with people they will regret when no longer intoxicated.

  46. If you can attribute such adjectives as “shady” or “sketchy” to a person, do not allow a friend to hook-up with them.

  47. It is unacceptable to break-out of a room if you are being held under duress due to your drunken state. You are a prisoner for your own safety.

  48. However, if you really really want to break out, get in touch with Mary, she can tell you the successful way to evade your roommate, friends, military men, and drunken bystanders.

  49. It is common courtesy to inform the person whom you intend to/are about to hook up with that you are involved before proceeding.

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