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This page is a tribute to the September 11 2001 tragedy. An event that changed the United States as well as the world as we all knew it. What happened that day we all will remember for years to come. The poem on my web page called The Christmas After was written on that following Christmas for the ones who lost so much that day.

I feel us as a nation will never be the same but we sure are better from that event. Sad that it took the lose of so many lives to wake us up and make us see nothing is safe and secure. And that in a second life as we knew it was gone and changed for ever. I as many did set and watched the horror on TV and was thinking of my own family and friends. Thanking my stars that mine were safe and sound. But at the same time feeling the pain of the ones who were losing so very much and of the ones who never got to say goodbye.

There were many heroes that day and stories that will never be told of the heroic acts of unselfishness to save many and comfort the ones who weren’t able to get out in time. For those I say keep dear to our hearts for they gave all they could even their own lives in that time of need.   

May we never forget. Shine on bright light.