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The Lake House Review-August 6, 2005

The Lake House picks up a little after When the Wind Blows ends and continues with reckless abandon. Max and the Flock are sent to live with their "bio" parents. But they have imprinted to Frannie and Kit as their real parents. The story moves from this starting point to an unspeakable experiment happening at another horrible place like the School called the Hospital. Max knows what is going on but if she talks she dies. But she does talk, of course. The new enemy Dr. Ethan Kane is as ruthless as any of Patterson's killers. With secret after secret being revealed the story flies. Pun not intended. One of the Flock sadly dies and life is spun out of control. With a "didn't see it coming" ending, The Lake House is a fitting end to James Patterson's most endeering stories. (Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment unfortunately has nothing to do with the other books, it is a completely different story). Rating *****