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The Unofficial Warhammer 40k Costume and Prop Archive

Site Information

Name: Chaplain Rico
Location: Evansville
Materials: "1. Place your strips in the coffee.
2. Place pennies on the ends of the strips to keep them at the bottom. After a couple hours, flip the strips over.
3. I didn't get a picture of my tearing the actual seals, so here's just a random strip of paper. After your strips are dry (either by letting them sit out or by hair dryer), make tiny little tears along the edges.
4. Rip up the bottom of the seal.
5. Crumple into a ball. Roll it around in your hands. Get it good and wrinkled. You're done when all the stiffness is lost from the strip. It'll seem to have an almost cloth-like feel to it.
6. And you're done."

All images and text are copyright of Jack Doud unless otherwise noted. Permission is given to download and/or distribute any portions that are not the property of Games Workshop Limited for non-commercial use providing that credit is given to the original owner. Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, and other names are registered trademarks of Games Workshop Limited and are used without endorsement or permission by same. If anyone has a problem with my using them let me know. Now stop reading this and go look at something else.