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The Unofficial Warhammer 40k Costume and Prop Archive

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Name: Talonofhorus
Location: Unknown
Materials: "Comments welcome on any aspect, this is the sub armor build of a spyder MR1 .68 cal paintball marker. In this model, I have built a bolter style frame around the working receiver, mostly sheet metal plates at this stage.

the advantages of using a paintball frame is that its metal already, fires anything you put in the barrel, and runs on compressed gas. This bolter has a suppressor in the end barrel, test built to give what the fluff describes as "hard, flat Bangs" out the buisness end.

Also, there is a hatch above the "ejection port" for loading the ammo chamber which runs horizontally above the barrel all the way along the bolter. Initial firing rites indicate a full load of 170 rounds, which gravity feed on a ramped plate inside."

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