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The Unofficial Warhammer 40k Costume and Prop Archive

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Name: Finnlock
Location: USA
Materials: "Still very much a WIP, this is the mock up for the helm, I built this to check scale and fit. I used a toy plastic space hemlet I found in a thrift store for 99 cents. It can be found online for $5.00 Found here:

I cut the visor (used to make the "eyes") and jaw off of it, then used cardboard to form the new visor (with and without jaw)

The forms where then cut out of paper to get a rough template shape and eye shape, then joined to give an edge to the center, I used craft foam to make the visor at this stage so it had thickness.

The fleur de lis is one I had left over from the 1st suit and I just stuck it on, same with the "ears", there will be something there in the finished one, so I wanted to get an idea of scale and proportion.

I'm looking at two options for the finished piece once I'm happy with it,
1. cover the craft foam with wonderflex or
2. build it up out of layers of PVC foam. "

All images and text are copyright of Jack Doud unless otherwise noted. Permission is given to download and/or distribute any portions that are not the property of Games Workshop Limited for non-commercial use providing that credit is given to the original owner. Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, and other names are registered trademarks of Games Workshop Limited and are used without endorsement or permission by same. If anyone has a problem with my using them let me know. Now stop reading this and go look at something else.