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The Unofficial Warhammer 40k Costume and Prop Archive

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Name: Finnlock
Location: USA
Materials: "The hardest part will be the glove itself. 1st I was going to use a hockey glove, but the scale was all wrong and it would still need a lot of work to make it look like a non-hockey glove. I decided to use a cheap sports glove I found at a store. All in all it's not bad for a 1st try. All spent, Craft foam, $7.00, Sports gloves $13.00 (pair),time spent 4 hours figuring it out, priceless.. "

Here it is with the shell added, I wrote "FAITH" on it in silver sharpie. I decided that it needed the trim around the elbow and wrist like I had in the mock-up. The trim is not attached, just heat formed to fit, it is also twice as thick as the "base" PVC I used. I may deside to trim it more along the top area to shadow the rounded shape of the edge. The wierd squiggles on it are where I tried to cover up the crap fluer I drew.

All images and text are copyright of Jack Doud unless otherwise noted. Permission is given to download and/or distribute any portions that are not the property of Games Workshop Limited for non-commercial use providing that credit is given to the original owner. Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, and other names are registered trademarks of Games Workshop Limited and are used without endorsement or permission by same. If anyone has a problem with my using them let me know. Now stop reading this and go look at something else.