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!!!!!~ALL ABOUT JESSIE~!!!!!


Full Name: Jessica Anne Rowney
Nickname: Jessie, Jess, Hal, Spam
Age: 14
School: Fairfax

DOB: 12/09/92
Best M8z: Vicki, Laura, Georgie, Megan, Charlotte, Kristina.
Fave People: There are too many lol
Fave Food: Pizza...
Fave Drink: Lemon + Lime
Pepsi Or Coke: Pepsi
Are you a Goth: No (random question!)
Whats your Personality: Hyper lol
Sisters: none (Sadly)
Brother: one
Pets: Four(Tom, Charlie, Ralph, Brian)
Fave Book: The Da Vinci Code and other intellectual book choices!
Fave Song: Right now im hooked on Footloose!
Fave Film: Grease
Fave Musical: Cats (yes, i cant believe you really had to ask!)
Fave Lesson: Drama
Worst Lesson: Maths
One Wish: Wish I could sing lol
Football Team: West Brom!
Star Sign: Virgo
Last funny Thing: GOT to be when those boys stole mine and Georgie's Shoes in House Assembly AND then threw them all round the hall! that was so funny i was crying with laughter!!
Last Sad Thing: Watched Titanic :'(
Fave TV Show: The It crowd!
Do you smoke? no way lol!
what do you want to achive this year? To be able to do the splits!
Most overused phrase lol and HAVE YOU TRIED TURNING IT OFF AND ON AGAIN!!! and how hard is it to remember 911!!!
go on any forums? yep, it crowd, RUG, ZZ's, Julia's Mine, i could go on.....
Bedtime: when i'm tired round half 10 usually
Height: 165 cm (im not sad - we had to mesure in french!)
weekness: popcorn....
In the past month have you......
gone shopping? yup you try and keep me away from shops!!
Been on Stage: yup and very nearly fell off the edge on a swirly chair lol Laura!
Eaten Fish: yes
eaten chocolate: of course!
Do you sing? yep im not good at it though!!
Do you dance: yup Ballet and Modern
Ever taken Ballet? Yes (i just said so!) for most of my life

Anything else: not really!