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*> Cats in Sheffield 06 <*



*OH MY GOODNESS!! CATS WAS SOOOO GOOD!! want a full account? huh? huh? Course ya do!! (well, your gonna get one anyways!!!)

* Half an Hour till show!!! *

Got to the Car Park and took aggggges trying to find somewhere to park! Eventually we found somewhere, parked car and got out! (I know you really didn't need to know that but im trying to set the scene!!!) anyway, Got to the theatre and brought a programme of the (wonderful and extremely enthusiastic) usher who asked me if I was exited (well, I was squeeling!!) and showed us to our seats! omg we were soo close to the stage!!! We had a really great view of everything! I got the isle seat!! woo!! I went to the front to have a closer look at the stage and knocked over some of the set....oops! (well! they would put an oversized box of kitty treats right infront of me wouldn't they!!!) Ran back to my seat and pretended it wasn't me!! Sat down and waited for the show to begin!!!

*Act One*

Got pursued by evil Cats with flashing green eyes...again!!! This time it Was Victoria (Last time it was Cassandra) And the man infront of me got stared out by Jellylorum and he was soooooo embarrassed!! omg it was hilarious!! *note, Victoria went across the front row and just avoided tripping over the box of kitty treats which I had just knocked over and were in her way!! half way through the first song, the thoughtful man in the front row replaced the Kitty treats in the wrong place but atleast they weren't in the middle of the floor!!!* The First Song was AMAZING!! Munkustrap (Dean Maynard) sounded soooo different from Michael Gruber! he had a really great voice (not saying that MG doesn't, of course he does lol it was just veeery different!!) I really enjoyed listening to him!! Halfway through, Bombalurina Crept up behind us to get to the stage and omg she had the best singing voice I have ever heard!! it was so good!!! anywho, after the First number, they went into naming and they were looking right in our direction!! its was spooky!! Old Gumbie Cat was AWESOME!!! I LOVED the cockroach dance it was totally hilarious!!! and it was much longer than in the video (which was a very good thing!!!) Then, As usual, Rum Tum Tuger Gatecrashed (though Rumpleteazer seemed happy enough about it!!) and sung his song. He kept sticking his tongue out at the woman infront lol!!! and when he had to kick the football, it was kind of dodge but apart from that, flawless!!!! The Grizabella came on! (luvin the sparkly socks griz!!!) She was a very good griz lol!! Bustopher was good!! Carbucketty and Bill Baily were soooo cute!! doing their lil cute kitten things all the was through so I didn't actually watch bustopher but still, he sounded good! Then there was a loud CRASH!!! and on came mungojerrie + Rumpleteazer!!! I luved the extra verses that were cut from the vid and Mungo + Teazer did very accurate cockney accents!!!!! Old Deut was ok (the song, not the cats, the cat was ace!) Munku n Tugger sung it very well but other than that it was just the same as on the video!! Pekes n Pollicles was hilarious!! It was Rumpleteazer who was the first peke and Carbucketty who was the first pollice and they were dead good!!! Luved Rumpus aswell! how cuuute!!!! And the Jellicle Ball, was totally amazing!!! 100 times better than I ever thought it could possible be!! And lastly, Memory was really good! It made you feel really sorry for poor griz!!!

I went to the loo and stood in the *very long* Que behind two ultra annoying people who mispronounced every single Jellicles name! Gave up on that idea and Brought the 25 anniversary cats T-shirt! Got back to seats and went on stage + got my programme signed by old Deut!! went back to seats, sat down, watched my parents and brother eat ice-cream and waited for the show to start up again!!

*Act 2*
The cats came back on-stage Before the lights went down and Skimbleshanks tried (and failed *g*) to steal my shoe! Moments of happiness' was goooood!! I was mouthing the lyrics with Old D and the memory bit was the best!! Gus, as you well know, I tend to find a bit boring but This Jellylorum (Played oh so well by Zoe Curlett) really brought life into the part!! Mungojerrie didn't half get insulted when Gus said that kittens did not get trained as they did in the days etc. etc.!! Growltigers Last stand was FANTASTIC!!!I really enjoyed it and I'm very sad that they cut it from the video
:( oh well lol! Macavity, as always, was great and really energetic!! Macavity himself crawled up the isle nest to us and really made me jump!! It was scary!!! then it was MR MISTOFFELEES!! omg! the conjuring turn was the best bit!! Why they cut it out the video I will never know!! All the cats Jumped off the stage and I got several paws in my face! Alonzo Stole the bag from the woman in front + opened it and threw it back to her!! (cheeky!!) (I have just realized, I have totally missed out Skimble!!! It was great and very lively!!) The Last memory was very heartfelt. Jemima n Griz made a great duo!! Lastly, The Addressing of cats! It was very happy n sadish at the same time lol! The finale was awesome!!! Skimbleshanks assaulted my hair (arrg!) (only kidding) And then went to the front row and assaulted all of their hair and slapped then! its was so funny!! And Coricopat stole my bag heehee!! (I did get it back lol) When all the cats got back on stage he looked at the woman in the front row who's hair he had totally gone to town on (its was very long and now, very messy!!) and mouthed, YOU NEED TO COMB YOUR HAIR!!!! It was hilarious!!! anyways, That's my review!! I had the best time of my life and it was 100% magic!! Thanx to all the cast for doing such a good Job!! xxxxxxx