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~ Alonzo and Pouncival's Page~

Hey again! glad you decided to call in here because this is a page devoted entirely to my two very favorite cats ALONZO and POUNCIVAL! So, just read through it lol!! nuff luv xxxxx


Well lol! I just LOVE alonzo! he is my fave cat of allllll time! he is so cute and funny and he has these little funny things that he does all the way through the show! he isn't really that well known to the ...non cats freaks... like some cats are *cough* mistoffelees *cough* and he is just soooo cool lol so thats alonzo! now, here are some pics of him.....


Pouncival ( or lil pounci as i calll him lol) is also my fave cat! you have to admit that he is the cutest thing on earth!!! he is soooooooo sweet and he does the most amazing flips! I also find him really funny to watch (not sure why lol) but i luv him! xxx