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A Checklist of Basic Items for Canoe/Kayak Camping


Note: To personalize this list for you, edit it in composer and add other items to each catagory or remove those you don't need, then save for yourself.

I live in the south and mostly paddle in shorts or nylon pants all year round. For colder climates/water, you will need to add dry or wet suits.


Boat Related:
Paddles – include at least 1 extra for your group.
Life jacket – 1 per each person that fits tightly
Water to use in boat - at leaset 2 quarts for a day paddle and 1 gallon/day/person for longer trips
Maps of area
Map Case .
Dry bags* – enclose everything that should not get wet.  Yes, use them in a kayak, as well.
...................(Tents, pans, dishes, etc may go without dry bags)
Paddling gloves
Whistle on life jacket – NOT attached to zipper
Rope to tie boat - 100'  of 1/4" nylon line if alone, 10'-50' if in a group
Bow and stern lines - 10'-12'

Campsite Related
Tarp &/or Tent with  sand stakes
Sleeping pad - be sure to have closed cell foam or sealed open cell foam for insulation in cool months.
Sleeping bag (fall/winter/spring) or sheet/blankets (summer)
Chair  (optional)  Folding chairs like Crazy Creek are nice and about the only option for kayaks,  pack where easily accessible for lunch.
Hammock – optional but fun for streams with trees

Personal Items - Warm Weather
Nylon shorts – river ones with liners work best.  Have at least 2 pair so one pair can be drying.
Swim Suit  - you may want to paddle in this with something over it for sun protection or you may choose to swim in your clothes.
Lightweight long sleeved shirt
Lightweight long pants
Cotton T-shirts  (light colored) - bring at least 3 so you can have a dry one to start out each day and one spare.
Raincoat (or just a few extra clothes or even a large trash bag)
River shoes and dry shoes or just river sandals

Personal Items - cool/cold weather
Light or midweight long underwear.
Dacron or nylon overshirts.
Paddling jacket and pants
Nylon Pants
Warm socks or neoprene socks to wear with your sandals or in booties.
Dry footwear for camp with warm socks
Neoprene shorts/shirt, dry suit as weather and water conditions dictate
Warm hat, and or ear bands
Gloves or Poogies for paddling
Camp gloves  - in very cold weather, add glove liners
Fleece jacket and pants
Raingear - jacket, hat, pants

Personal Hygiene
Insect repellent
Lip balm
Soap or campsuds
Shampoo or campsuds
Towel/washcloth or camp towel

In Boat and Within Reach
(keep in a waterproof container or dry bag or in Ziplocks inside a ditty bag)
Insect repellant
Lip balm
Lunch container filled with lunch and snacks
Extra clothes for warmth
Extra clothes for sun protection – Note:  men’s pajamas or hospital scrub make good cover-ups for summer.
Water – at least 2 quarts in small containers with more as a backup.  (Bring 1 gallon /day/person for camping trips)
Toilet paper,  trowel, Handiwipes and lighter in toilet bag.
First aid supplies - at least one complete set per group
  Eating Related
Pots – include a coffee pot if you need it –but hot water and coffee in a tea bag works for me.
Charcoal -optinal
Pot grabber
Serving spoon
Various other implements, such as a pan strainer for spaghetti. barbeque implements, tongs, shovel.
Lunch stuff packed in own kit
Your choice of  food for regular (non group) meals – make a list and check off as you pack.  Don’t forget condiments, tea, milk, coffee, etc.
Scrub sponge/soap(or campsuds) in a zip lock bag
Dishpan – optional

Hand lens
Toys for children
Fishing gear
Your choice of other items.



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Website by Marilyn B. Kircus. Last modified on June 19, 2003