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< Surf Fest Registration


Thanks for joining Surf Fest!

Please fill out one registration for each paddler.

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.



Your Last Name:

Your First Name:

Your e-mail address:

When will you arrive at Surf Fest?

When will you depart Surf Fest?

Do you need to rent a kayak?

How many non-paddler adults/children are in your group?

What events do you want to participate in? ( We will then try to schedule as many of these as possible so you can do them.)

Note this registration is ONLY for FREE instruction: Contact paid instructiors directly.

Choose as many as you want in each category.

SOT Demos
Hard shell Demos

Instruction in kayaking strokes and braces
Instruction in rescues and re-entry
Instruction rolling
Instruction in surfing


Tandem heats
Solo 3 mile race

Guided trips I want to take

South Padre Dunes in Laguna Madre (12 miles round trip)
NorthPadre Island Dunes in Laguna Madre (3 mile round trip)
Shamrock Island and Cove (6 miles round trip.)
South Padre Island Waterfront Homes ( 6miles round trip)
Lighthouse Trails (2-3 miles round trip)
(Red Fish Bay (6 miles round trip)

Social Events

Saturday night Pot Luck Supper
Contest for best dish at the Pot Luck supper
Resturant meal on Sunday night
Best campfire tale.

Other Contests

Kite flying contest

Swap Meet Ad 1


Swap Meet Ad 2


Any comments?

