Yesterday was wonderful. First, I went with Mom to see The Return of the King--it was fabulous. I have to start writing my review for my English class before I forget everything I want to say. I was disappointed at the things they left out--like Eowyn and Faramir's falling in love etc., but you can't fit it all in a movie, even one that's four hours long. *shrugs*
Then, yesterday evening, I went carolling with Andrew, Neil, Ray and Madeline. It was great! It was actually relatively warm out, and our voices turned out to blend really well together. We got a ton of cookies (can't... eat... another... cookie...) and people seemed really thrilled that we sang to them, particularly when they found out that we weren't with a school or church group; we were just doing it for fun. Ended up spending the last ten minutes in an older couple's kitchen; found out that they were the grandparents of one of the social studies teachers in the high school. People are so friendly! yay! We caroled for THREE HOURS it was SO KEWL! What with Neil and Madeline falling up people's steps, and someone giving us rum balls (hee heeeeee ruuuuum ballllls) and Mr. Levy's dog scaring the crap out of us, and singing at Ruthann's house and Hoey and Byron and Allie E were all there, and singing to a couple who were celebrating their--what, 53rd? wedding anniversary! We also sang to one of the deans from the University, and Heather, who was babysitting at Levy's, and Andrew's parents, and Neil's family... yeah, it was definitely cool.
This was just the latest in a long line of singing-in-public things I'm doing this month. First there were the concerts at Longwood (incl running with ribbons) (twice), then the concert (incl running with ribbons again and dancing on a heck of a slippery floor, plus singing a one-line solo with acting), then two gigs (incl a solo each time--one very bad solo and one much better solo), then there was the Christmas cantata at my church (incl a solo--you should've seen my hand shaking with that mike!), then this, and coming up, a two-verse solo in the Christmas Eve service, and leading three hymns for church next Sunday (i'm REALLLLLY dubious about that one). Yowza. But the caroling is and probably will remain, my most favoritist singing engagement this year. :)