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Downloads--Free Desktop Backgrounds!

Okay, I know this is gonna seem weird. But I was looking at the homemade background I've got on my desktop at the moment, and thought, how about I put up some of these for download? Some of the backgrounds are a little weird, and they're mostly just collages of pictures or a resizing of an image, plus a collage of details. The pictures involved aren't mine; I'll give credit where I can. But since I can't always, please don't use these on a website. Besides, most of them, I had to put an image of the taskbar at the bottom to help me with sizing, so they'd look weird on a webpage anyway. You may have to save them as bmps; I can only upload them as jpgs. And don't you dare directly link. I've put them in thumbnails to make the page load faster. Click the thumbnail to see the full-size picture; check box below if you'd like these images to open in a new browser window.

Open images in secondary window

Okay, this one started it off. Funny shots from Pirates of the Caribbean, © Disney. Most of the shots courtesy of

I call this one "The Many Dramatic Expressions of Keira Knightley" :) I'm planning on doing some expression drawing practice with these as reference. For credits, see above.

"Journey Behind the Wind" by Michael Whelan

"The Kiss" by Francesco Hayez; image courtesy of

"Pensee et Temis" by Clef; image courtesy of

"River Genesis" by Michael Whelan

"Tears of Waialeale" by Michael Whelan

"The Gentle Virtue" by Michael Whelan (do you get the impression I like the art of Michael Whelan?)

This is one of my very favorites: "The Whale" by Michael Whelan--partly because the girl kind of looks like me.

"Tree of Jewels and Swords" by Michael Whelan

"Ugly Pet" (Actually, I'm not sure if that's its real name) by Luis Royo

Another of my favorites, "Watchtower" by Michael Whelan.

Tiled image. Not sure where I got it.

New one! Hee hee I love it! (It's less "got lembas?" and more "got legolas?") If you like this one, check out the LotR Series!

Okay. So, if you guys liked these, please sign the guest book or email me and tell me so I can put up some more; otherwise, I'm not going to waste my online file space. :) Ciao!