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December 12, 2002

Dear Nemo,

Well, it happened again. Mom met up with some old friends while I was with her and they were marvelling over how grown-up I was because they hadn't seen me since first grade, and one of them said, "You must have a lot of trouble keeping the boys away." Mom made some kind of non-committal noise, for which I'm grateful, because the truth is, I have no trouble at all in keeping away the boys, I only have trouble in attracting them. If boys were moths, I wouldn't be a lightbulb, I'd be a black hole. The only guy I ever thought I had that kind of a relationship started with turns out to be a liar and a flirt and he never reads this page so I can talk about him all I want and he'll never find out. :)

In other news today (ha ha), two-hour delays and snow days rock. Worksheets to go with Walden suck. Spanish class rocks. Games to review for Spanish tests suck. Computers rock. Trying to make tables in HTML sucks. I found a new source for great graphics and they're BEAUTIFUL, but they all involve this nested bordered table thing and I have NO IDEA how to do it, and that SUCKS because I found a great graphic set for a Christmas page (which I'm going to have to make soon) and I can't use it until I figure some of this crap out. Drat Drat Drat Drat Drat. That's my new word. Got it from Georgette Heyer's regency romances. Want an old-fashioned good-quality sappy read? The Black Moth by Georgette Heyer.

Ugh I'm bored out of my skull. I guess I'll let you go. More updates later...