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You must come for me quickly. I don't know how long I can last here. My frustration is mounting, and I don't know how to help anything. These people are stuck; they cannot move. I keep paddling my feet, trying to keep the mud from setting, but the effort costs me more and more and the sun is baking the earth and bleaching my hair to the white of a bone.

Fly in soon! With eagle claws you can snatch me up, the Roc flying with the elephant in its talons. Help me rise like a phoenix; my feathers are extinguished.

If you don't come soon, I'll slash these people to splinters, I'll strangle them with sanguinary vines. Look for blood-red flowers dripping gore in place of nectar.

Okay, maybe I exaggerate. Just a bit. But I'm going crazy! I'm sick of consequences; I just want to see you. Even getting a reply would soften the mud. Like it softens my heart.

All my love, Krypta
