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Well, the play is finally over, so I have actual afternoons and evenings again! Yay! In a way, it was a bit of a letdown, because only Friday night's performance really felt like a performance. And I screwed up my chenne (how do you spell that?) turns Sunday afternoon. Grrrr. But I keep getting so many compliment about the ballet that I keep grinning like an idiot. That part's nice.

Inside Jokes and Running Gags From the Cast
Gollum impressions before "Oklahoma" scene
Don't be an Oklahomo
They're my Oklahomies (Yippee yo yo)
Andrew's running offstage
Tony's ponytails to keep his hair in his hat
Nyla's Sister Act II music
Angela: "I love you, but I'll break you in half"
Lauren: "Kiss me! Mwa mwa!"
General Paul bashing comments

The fight scenes were so much fun. I think it's really mean that A.S.'s house got toilet papered! But it's kewl you guys painted the rock. I would've joined, but D.E. and I were at my place watching "Ten Things I Hate About You" (awesome movie by the way! Look at me! And I agree with Dee that I want one! (A Heath Ledger (Patrick Verona) I mean.))

Well, aftermath of a performance, we're all exhausted and wondering what next year's performance will be, and we'll all have the music stuck in our heads for months. You guys all rock! And I still can't believe I told Pauloff!

"The Property Room" by Arthur Hughes