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"Death and Sleep" by Evelyn de Morgan


The craziest thing happened today in chorus. L.S. stood up on a chair to see someone's music stand a fell off, embarrassing herself and providing entertainment for the rest of us. She then stayed standing on the floor. A several minutes later, (at about measure 35 of "One Voice" by Barry Manilow) she keeled straight forward (arms at her side and stiff like a board) to the floor, where she lay completely still, on her face. Needless to say, this alarmed us, her fellow students. I had never seen someone pass out before. I didn't know that when people pass out, their eyes do no close, they stay slightly open. I also didn't know that a person coming to opens their eyes up to grotesquely googly-sized proportions and says in a creepy voice, "What happened?" Holy crap, do I ever have some stuff to change in my writing! The emotions that went through my head and the fact that I felt all the blood drain from my face- these are things worth remembering, even if it is a terrible thing. Just to let you all out there in internetland know, she is doing fine. They carted her down to the nurse, looking rather green in the face. That's the other thing I didn't know- that people could actually turn greenish. I thought that was just a figure of speech.

There is only one thing to conclude from all this: Barry Manilow music is actually dangerous to your health.

"Sleep and His Half-Brother Death" by John William Waterhouse


Well, the mystery as to why she passed out is solved. When she fell the first time, she hit her leg on the chair and it really hurt, but everybody was laughing already and she didn't want to embarrass herself more by sitting down. The newest conclusion: If a friend does something embarrassing that could've actually hurt, DON'T LAUGH AT THEM! Yes, I mean you, Kneil and Andrés!

"The Cup of Death" by Elihu Vedder


Okay, I swear this is the last entry on this topic. But we were reading "Thanatopsis" today in English class, and I got to thinking... (always a dangerous thing, I know...)

A friend fell down as one dead
And moved not, unconscious,
With eyes and lips still half-opened
To the world, but face-down
She lay grotesquelly still and limp.

When she awoke, her eyes flew wide
And round as suns,
And she asked what happened
And remembered nothing between standing and lying awake.

So it will be when our eyes open wide,
Like round suns, and we will be sons,
And will look at the new earth
And will ask what happened,
And we will not remember
Between one earth and the other,
Between life and Life.