Ashley's Poetry
Page 4. All ©, so don't steal it :)
Some of it's good, some of it's bad, some of it's really bad...
As the moon draws the tide
(Sweetly the sea reflects its face),
He draws my heart to his,
Lets me see him more clearly.
Even when the clouds obscure his face,
Yet his glow cannot be curtained by the dark.
Acrostic for a Friend 4/23/04
Reality has no chains for you,
Openly you reject its bonds.
Winging high over the sinking sands,
A birdlike creature flashes brightly in the sun;
No story can contain her spirit, nor no world.
Oh, lovely April of my soul, your leaves
Like flags of vict'ry in the wind
Do fly at flutter, and the arms
Of trees are raised in martial cheers.
That ghast-white deadly Foe is gone,
Banished to his mountain keep;
The grass grows sweet where Death reigned white
And flowers in its life-blood, conquering, sleep.
In the darkness, before the sleep,
The Thought of death appears
By one's bed, no scythe in his hand,
But a flower in bone-chilling white.
Heartbeat flutters like the wings
Of birds caught in the claws of kingly cats.
Breath comes short and hard in gusts
While the Thought's white hand closes on the throat.
The eyes dazzle in his light,
Life seems far away. His cloak covers the face.
Peace is made with God, one last prayer whispered
In fearful ecstacy--
And I'm amazed to wake in the morning,
The sunlight shining in my empty room.
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