Prom was a total blast. I loved it. And the all-night party was cool, too. I was up for 29 hours straight. Yayness. I counted how many bobby pins were in my hair: (remember, when it's loose, my hair hangs to my hips) 47, 7 of them the s-shaped bobby pins from hell that are terrible to try and take out.
It's hilarious. I'm sure some people went out after the prom and got smashed. The most dangerous chemical we ingested was Mt. Dew, the only plant life we experimented with was broccoli (we threw it at people), the guys played Atari, we all played mad-gab, those of us who were awake at about 4 in the morning played Bullcrap (that's what we called it, too. I got confused when they asked if I wanted to play BC), and at about 5 in the morning, I played solitaire while some people played a game of Scrabble. Yeah, we're dorks. But I'm telling you, dorks make the very best friends.
Church was interesting in the morning. We all went dressed in our prom stuff with our hair up (the girls, that is... hee hee). Katey B said she felt like a wedding procession going in. And the guy doing announcements got everyone who was dressed in prom stuff to stand up. He goes, "I understand most of you stayed up all night. There's coffee in the back."
I didn't know I could sleep with my eyes open. During the sermon (which was very good, I might add; I may have been falling asleep but I was still paying attention), I could feel myself falling asleep so I'd change position and look down at my bulletin, and my eyes would cross. And I fell asleep with my eyes open for about a second. The pastor's next sentence woke me up.
So I went home and took down my hair and took a looong shower trying to get all the spray out of my hair (I retract that bit about Mt. Dew; I'm sure all the girls had gotten a bit of a buzz earlier on our hairspray). I fell asleep and slept until 3, got dressed, took a short walk (the grass is knee-high already! Can you believe it? Grr!), and we went to Grandma's for dinner. It looked like rain, so I decided I should probably leave quick (I walk home) before it really started to rain. So I was jogging home--and then the heavens opened. So here I am, running at full tilt up a hill after just having ingested a sandwich and a glass of grape soda, in the pouring rain. I was wet, and I felt sick. So after dry-heaving a few times, I fell asleep again. When she got home, Mom suggested I just go to bed. So I did, at 6:30. So I'm perfectly with it today, unlike a couple of my friends who didn't sleep all day.
Got my nails painted just the day before yesterday morning (it seems so long ago!) and they're chipping already. Never had my nails done before. French manicure. I thought the smell of chemicals in that place would make me sick. They look neat, tho (or at least they did before they began chipping...). I got to hang out with very good friends all night long, and that was the coolest part of prom. (Well, looking pretty was fun, too... and having a spiffy-looking date with his tux-and-tails... mwa ha ha). I LOVE YOU GUYS! (Especially Andrew, my date (ahem man-slave :)
Prom Pictures! (Graphics-heavy)