What shall I write today? What have I left to write, when warmth is swallowed by whiteness *it snowed April 7th* and aqua-marine by gray? *aqua-marine is my joyful color at the moment* What is left when the fleur-de-lis becomes a black sun? *Fleur-de-lis is my symbol of joy, a black sun is my symbol of unhappiness or restlessness* A language becomes a nap *I was really tired today in Spanish class* and a dance becomes a dream, a sleepwalking. *I was also really tired in chorus, where we did choreography* Red stags turn into white ones-- *Red stag is the symbol on my heraldic achievement that stands for Pennsylvania, and a white unicorn stands for my imagination* and then they die. *Death of imagination or death in reality, take your pick* And the blue beneath my wrists writhes like a slug-- *I have a blue gel-filled wristrest* what have I left to write?
White whales or white elephants, what's the difference? I never forget, *We're reading Moby Dick in English and my teacher accidentally called him a white elephant, and when she commented about the fact that we didn't forget her mistake, we told her elephants never forget* but I become lazy toward the chronicler. *I really don't feel like reading Moby Dick* Ships and chairs hold little interest for me, save in filling time. *I was watching the Chronicles of Narnia over the weekend, and I could finish watching "The Voyage of the Dawntreader" and "The Silver Chair" this evening, but I've got ennui--ooh! vocab word!* Coldness arches toward my brow-- *I got shivers* I long for night, to fill my head with color. *I wanna go to bed so I can imagine my way into dreams* Red and black make cerulean. *I took Sudaffed (red pill) and it gave me funky dreams at night, including one in a shade of blue I've never seen before.*
An apple by any other name would taste as sweet, *Allusion to Shakespeare and Snow White* but today the sweetness is gone. *Apples a gift to teachers, therefore apples=school, and I'm sick of school* Lions only revive it. *We got to eat doughnuts and watch "The Lion King" in clubs--how nice of la diabla!*
Colored squares fall in columns, making me think of Atlantis. *I was playing this game called "Same" which involves colored squares falling in columns, and I was thinking of this one scene at the end of the Disney movie "Atlantis" when I was playing yesterday, so when I played today, that scene from "Atlantis" suddenly popped into my head--very weird*
Where is the two-tailed cat, and why is it human? *I was trying to find a website I was looking at the other day with Japanese mythology involving human-like two-tailed cats* And why is there no new art? *I'm waiting for a Victorian art website to be updated*
Make up your mind--is it to be a pine or a palm? A mountain or an ocean? *This to the weather--is it winter or summer?* And I feel as if I hang from the ceiling, like the Babylonian wonder, *Babylonian wonder--the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the world* staring at nothing. I am cold.