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I have said a lot of pretty, poetic things about snow on this site. I like snow. Snow itself is pretty and poetic. But, ever heard of too much of a good thing? Right now, I am so sick of winter weather, I could scream.

"A Song of Spring" by Maximilian Lenz

I can still think good things about snow, and I can still look out the window and say how beautiful it looks snowing, with the cardinals and blue jays in the tree. But that's it. We've had six snow days so far this winter, and since they're expecting this snowfall to be a blizzard, I think we can expect at least one more. I am so tired of hanging out at home doing nothing! I can't even take walks! I haven't been on a walk for a good three weeks, at least! And it's so cold if I have to be outside for any reason at all- like getting in the car. And it makes me nervous when I drive places. And I thought last night that we weren't going to get out our road to get to the concert I was performing in.

"The Progress of Spring" by Charles Daniel Ward

Speaking of the concert, that was FUN. When I got my solo, though, I was shaking so much! My knees were shaking, my hands were shaking, even the sides of my mouth were shaking! And I know I went sharp on at least one note. But I got a lot of compliments and people said I looked really confident, so I guess it went fine. I wish I had a video of my performance to watch. It's so weird not knowing what your voice really sounds like...

"The Bunch of Lilacs" by James Tissot

I have simply had enough of winter. I know Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow, and I don't care. I want spring!

Valentine's Day