Seconds count in an emergency! When fire, police or medical emergencies occur, 9-1-1 can help save precious time. It can mean saving a home, property or even a life.
When you have an emergency in Morris Township or Cooper Township, just dial 9-1-1. It is easy to remember, and your call is answered by a specially trained telecommunicator who will provide you with assistance in your emergency.
9-1-1 should be dialed when police, fire or ambulance units are needed at a particular location.
When you dial 9-1-1 your call is received by a Telecommunication Operator at the Clearfield County Department of Emergency Services, who is responsible for processing your call. The operator determines what type of emergency you have and what service and agency is needed . The priority of the call will determine the response time in which the call will be dispatched.
An added safety feature, your telephone number is displayed when the operator answers your call. This provides greater protection for residents because it enables the operator to call you back if in the excitement you neglect to give all the necessary information to obtain assistance. Knowing the telephone number of an emergency call can help the operator track down the location of the call should the caller be unable to talk. Remember, 9-1-1 is to be used for emergency purposes only. For other fire, police, ambulance non-emergencies, the proper telephone number is 1-800-689-3535.
To Save a Life
To Stop a Crime
To Report a fire
Anytime you think something is wrong, and your suspicions are aroused, then you should dial 911
If you see smoke coming and it doesn't look right
If someone is having chest pains and needs medical attention
If you see a stranger entering a neighboors house, then you should make a 911 call.
It's snowing and you want to see if school is canceled
For general information
For directions
To see what all the fire sirens are for
You have a business question about permits
Anything that is not an emergency...