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Contest 1

The following ppl I love.
You'll read what I had started out, and the underlined part is what
they wrote.


Rum Tum Tugger and Bombalurina are walking through the junkyard.
Bombalurina: Have you seen Demeter?
Rum Tum Tugger: I haven't seen her since the Ball.
Bombalurina: Me either, I'm kind of worried.
Rum Tum Tugger: Do you think she's with Munkustrap.
Bombalurina: Hmm I don't know.
*Munkustrap walks up to them*
Munkustrap: Hey have you guys seen Demeter?
Bombalurina: *sigh* No, we were hoping you did.
*Mistoffelees and Pouncival come running in chasing one another*
Rum Tum Tugger: Hey have you guys seen Demeter?
Mistoffelees: Nope
Then they hear a faint and distant scream from Demeter

All exchanged glances of surprise and dashed towards the sound. Well, all except Pouncival, who had found an entirely more interesting peice of fuzz, and was prodding it rather scientifically.

They entered into a dark alley, where they saw a makeshift altar, built from garbage cans and old garbage bags. Atop it lay demeter, her eyes wide, pupils dilated to tiny dots in a sea of fear. Breath coming in short gasps, mouth gaping in silent screams.

Mistoffelees used his magic to create a light, but the area seemed empty. Munkustrap ran towards Demeter, determined to save her from whatever was causing this, but was unable to reach the altar, some unknown force holding him back.

"It's no use," a voice like silken water said from the shadows. Seemingly out of nowhere, a grey tuxedoed jellicle appeared, amber eyes alight with malice, "I've taken her, and there's nothing you can do."

The Tugger hissed and stepped forward, but was cut off by Munkustrap, who stepped in front of him and spoke in the formal tones of one jellicle tribe to another, "Who are you, and what's your business here? And what have you done to Demeter?" His voice cracked and rose on the last sentance."

"Demeter? Was that her name?" The stranger let out a feline chuckle and begame to delecately wash a paw, "Well, I'm a cat, my business is my own and no one elses. Your group may have lost their individuality, twice-son of Deutoronomy, but I have not. As for my name..." he flicked an ear and smiled at them, a rather canine smile, they relfected later, "You may call me Appolairus, and I am a true Jellicle."

At a quick signal from Munkustrap, the Tugger leapt towards this tuxedoed stranger, while Bombalurina made a break toards Demeter, still on the table and gasping, unshed tears hiding in her frightnened eyes. Both were thrown back by blue lightning stronger than Mistoffelees had ever conjured.

Appolairus laughed, low and cruelly, "You can't catch me off gaurd, kittens."

"Give her back," Munkustrap hissed, claws extended.

He blinked, and laughed again, "Is that all you want? Well, you could have just asked! Take her, I've no more use of her." With a twitch of the grey cat's tail demeter rolled from the altar, and Rum Tum Rugger was allowed to pick her up gently, his eyes never leaving the amber orbs of the stranger before them. As he gathered her up and brought her back to the group, nuzzles and licks were exchnged until Demeter's eyes began to focus on the things around her again. She looked at munkustrap and opened her mouth to speak, but nary a word came out.

"What have you done to her?" Misto glared at Appolairus.

Who, in turn, laughed verily in the magicat's face, "Now that, young jellicle, I'll not tell, even if you could understand." He turned and began walking away, tail extended in every nuance of uncaring.

"This isn't over!" Bombalurina called in her biggest, most intimidating punk-cat voice.

"Indeed it's not," the stranger replied, voice no louder but still carrying throughout the alleyway, "It's just begun, kittens."

With a dark chuckle, he turned the corner and was gone as if he'd never been; his only legacy Demeter's silence.

See wasn't that good? *Kitty kisses and hugs go out to Jacqueline*

Now the next by VictoriaKitty. It is by far one of the best I've ever seen...

Rum Tum Tugger and Bombalurina are walking through the junkyard.
Bombalurina: Have you seen Demeter?
Rum Tum Tugger: I haven't seen her since the Ball.
Bombalurina: Me either, I'm kind of worried.
Rum Tum Tugger: Do you think she's with Munkustrap.
Bombalurina: Hmm I don't know.
*Munkustrap walks up to them*
Munkustrap: Hey have you guys seen Demeter?
Bombalurina: *sigh* No, we were hoping you did.
*Mistoffelees and Pouncival come running in chasing one another*
Rum Tum Tugger: Hey have you guys seen Demeter?
Mistoffelees: Nope
Then they hear a faint and distant scream from Demeter and Etcetera.

Okay now if you want to beat VictoriaKitty with a big stick, you can do so in my RPG. hehehe jk


Rum Tum Tugger and Bombalurina are walking through the
Bombalurina: Have you seen Demeter?
Rum Tum Tugger: I haven't seen her since the Ball.
Bombalurina: Me either, I'm kind of worried.
Rum Tum Tugger: Do you think she's with Munkustrap.
Bombalurina: Hmm I don't know.
*Munkustrap walks up to them*
Munkustrap: Hey have you guys seen Demeter?
Bombalurina: *sigh* No, we were hoping you did.
*Mistoffelees and Pouncival come running in chasing
one another*
Rum Tum Tugger: Hey have you guys seen Demeter?
Mistoffelees: Nopers

*Then they hear a faint and distant scream from
Demeter *

*The cats all look at each other and take off towards
the scream. *
Munkustrap: *looks around * Demeter!!!
Bombalurina: I think I hear her over there, *points *
*all the cats run over to where they see Demeter
sitting on the ground sobbing *
Bomby: *walks over to Deme and gives her a hug *
what’s wrong Dem?
Munk: *Growls * what happened, why are you crying, did
some one hurt you?
Deme: No no, *sniff * It’s not like that.
*the cats all look at each other confused *
Tugger: Then what is it
Deme: you’ll laugh at me if I tell you
Misto and pouncy: *shake their heads in confusion and
run off to continue playing *
Bomby: it’s all right, you can tell us
Deme: *Wipes her tears and sniffs * well….
Munk: Please we want to help.
Deme: Well… my teddy bear was stolen, I can’t find him
any where and I just saw a spider, and you know how
much they scare me, *said really really fast, hardly
understandable to the other cats *
Bomby: *looks dumbfounded, * that’s it
Bomby: *Hops behind Tugger * Wow.. I didn’t mean to
make her angry
Tugger: *shrugs *
Munk: Umm.. well.. yeah… uh… if we find your teddy
bear will you be happy again
Deme: you mean you’ll help me?? Oh
thankyouthankyouthankyou. *jumps up and bear hugs Munk
Munk: yeah well… I mean… there’s nothing really better
to do around here right now….
Bomby and tugger: *nods *
*munk begins organizing a search party for the missing
teddy bear, seeing as all the cats are incredibly
bored after the end of the Jellicle ball, they all go
along with no complaints *

*****Author’s note**** well that was useless… as you
can see.. I’m not very good at writing stories in
script mode… I just thought it was funny that they all
stop everything to find a teddy bear.. but then.. you
all could prolly do better… well I just figgered I’d
write this so you’d have at least one entry…. *shrugs
* well I guess that’s it….


Rum Tum Tugger and Bombalurina are walking through the
Bombalurina: Have you seen Demeter?
Rum Tum Tugger: I haven't seen her since the Ball.
Bombalurina: Me either, I'm kind of worried.
Rum Tum Tugger: Do you think she's with Munkustrap.
Bombalurina: Hmm I don't know.
*Munkustrap walks up to them*
Munkustrap: Hey have you guys seen Demeter?
Bombalurina: *sigh* No, we were hoping you did.
*Mistoffelees and Pouncival come running in chasing
one another*
Rum Tum Tugger: Hey have you guys seen Demeter?
Mistoffelees: Nopers

*Then they hear a faint and distant scream from
Demeter *

*they run to where the scream came from*
Demeter:Oh my god it is Leonardo Dekittyeo!
Mistofolees:Are you okay Dem?
Bombalurina:Come on Dem lets go to the junkyard!
Demeter:Okay but let me get his autograph!
Munkunstrap:*whispers*I think she has gone nuts.
Demeter:Done!Come on!
*starts to walk of*
Mistofolees:*magically writes*THE END!

Q.A.Kitten: Bdee Bdee Bdee that's all folks!