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Contest 4

'Another Chance'

*Macavity held Cassandra out over a cliff by her neck*
There was no sound, save the crashing of the waves on jagged rocks below and the terrified gasps of the queen. Her paws scrabbled uselessly at his, and her eyes pleaded with him.
"Macavity... please..."
Her voice was almost snatched away by the wind, but it carried far enough to reach his ears.
"Please... don't kill me... give me another chance..."
He snarled and shook her body in warning.
"I gave you a chance. You failed."
"Please!" she cried.
Cassandra whimpered and looked down. The rocks below beckoned her, like a mouth full of sharp teeth waiting to be fed. A shiver ran down her spine, and a tear slipped out of her eye. She wasn't ready to die; not like this, at least.
"Macavity..." she began again, but he cut her off.
"Silence!" he roared.
The sound echoed around them, waking the gulls, who began to scream and fly about. Cassandra gulped and shut her mouth, but her lower lip was trembling. The ginger tom that held her life on a thread was breathing heavily, like he'd just run a marathon. His green eyes were tortured, wracked by an inner agony.
"I gave you more than one chance." he hissed. "More than one. First, as my spy. You failed. You were supposed to scout the Yard for anything that would hinder my plan. You gave me the go-ahead, and I attacked. But SOMEHOW, you managed to overlook the fact that the Jellicles had a conjurer!"
"I didn't know..." she moaned. "He'd hidden it from all of us..."
"Well, there goes ONE master plan! The whole thing failed, and the Jellicles doubled their security!"
He shook her body again, madness shining in his eyes. The queen cried out in terror, fearing that he would drop her to the sea below. The gulls circled over the frozen scene, Macavity holding her out in the air like a rag doll. Then he spoke again.
"I should have punished you, but I didn't. I couldn't. I... couldn't. So I let you go back to spying on them. And then you blew it again! You didn't check if anyone was following you, didn't look back like you should, and went into the secret hideout! You led them to us! Those mangy Pollicles... they killed almost everyone! All because you couldn't look behind you and be safe!"
His whole body shook with rage and despair. Cassandra closed her eyes, knowing that he would drop her for sure now. His paws clenched around her neck, and she suddenly became aware that he was strangling her. With a cry, she tried to squirm away. The clenching stopped, and she looked again at the Hidden Paw.
His head was dropped, his ears flattened against his skull is sorrow. Suddenly, he lifted his gaze to meet hers.
"I gave you another chance..." his voice was soft and tremulous. "I couldn't punish you... I loved you... So I gave you a chance to be my mate... my mate... and I loved you so much, I didn't care about all the mistakes."
A sad smile crept onto his face. He began to bring her back to solid ground. But in a flash, his expression hardened and he thrust her back out into thin air.
"But you messed up again." He ground out the words. "I would have been such a good mate. But no... I wasn't good enough for you..."
His body quivered with emotion, and Cassandra knew what was coming.
"You carry his kittens."
The sentence hung between them like a death toll. The gulls screeched and the waves crashed.
"Macavity... I'm sorry..." her voice was barely above a whisper.
"SORRY?!?" he exploded. "How can you say that and expect me to believe it? After all the 'sorry's' from before? Cassy, I loved you... I would have loved you... but apparently Alonzo loved you more. Yes, I know who it is. You're not my only spy, Cass. I know everything. Don't start begging! It's too late."
Tears flowed out of her sapphire eyes, and she stared at him with a gaze that spoke more than words. But his eyes stared back with a coldness that pierced her heart.
"No more chances, Cassy. If I can't have you, no one will."
He let go. Her body fell down, through the mists of the sea. Cassandra didn't scream, but the gulls did. They screeched and screamed, as if cursing the tom who did this. She looked down and saw the rocks welcoming her to a watery grave... and then it ended.
Macavity stood as still as stone, his arms still out over the edge where he'd held her. Suddenly, his back arched and he grabbed his head with a cry, falling to his knees. His mournful wails mingled with the cries of the gulls and the crashing of the surf.
"Cassy, I'm sorry! What have I done? Come back! I'll give you another chance... another chance..."


*Macavity held Cassandra out over a cliff by her neck*

She struggled to breathe, but managed to speak.

Cassie: Macavity, if you don't bring me back over to ground right now, I'll yell and tell everyone about your little stuffed pollicle doll!

The Hidden Paw gasped and hissed.

Macavity: You wouldn't!

Cassie: I would so!

Macavity started crying. He let Cassandra drop suddenly to the earth beside him.

Macavity: But all the other toms'll laugh at me!

Cassandra giggled and patted Macavity's back.

Cassie: There, there...I won't tell...

Macavity hugged her legs.Cassandra pushed him away and started back to the Junkyard. Cassandra giggled again.

Cassie: Oh...Macavity...You really do have a pollicle doll? I was just making it up!

Macavity: You litte! Get back here!

Cassandra giggled and ran to the Junkyard.