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CATS/The Lion King

Kittix: Well, hello everyone, and welcome to our second CATS: Night at the Movies fic,
QAK: Harry Potter!
*Kittix and QAK start to laugh*
Kittix: Yeah right! No, actually, we are doing that great Disney classic ‘The Lion King’ So enj..
*Plato storms in*
Plato: Hey, you two, I de-MAND I get a better part in this fanfic. That CATS/Scream was soooooooooo *Plato waves his paw about* ..humiliating!
Kittix: Ok, Plato, you want a better part, fine.
QAK: You can play the son!
*Plato squeals like a school girl*
Plato: Y-ay! I always wanted to play Simba!
Kittix: Uhm.. yeah, ok. Lets get Plato his costume and start this fic!

*The story starts out in the junkyard. It is dawn and all the jellicle are assembled around a very high junkpile, covered in African tribal make up. There is a giant golden cat hanging from the ceiling*

Plato: HEY! This is SOOOOO not what I mean!
QAK: We meant the SUN, not the SON.
Kittix: Anyways.. on with the fic..

*At the top of the pile of junk is Munkustrap, looking down at all the jellicles with a big ol grin on his face. Behind him is Demeter holding what looks like a fuzzy ball. At the bottom of the pile, all the jellicles dance and sing and chant their African Tribal Songs..*

Jellicles: We want chicken, we want liver, meow mix meow mix, please de-liver!!

*Suddenly through the crowd of jellicles comes Old Deuteronomy, with his butt painted half red and half blue. He walks up through the crowd and up the pile. He smiles at Munkustrap and Demeter as he goes over and grabs the little fuzz ball, which now has ears and a tail. Ohhh, it’s a kitten. Old D grabs the kitten and goes over to the edge of the pile of junk. All the jellicles at the bottom are going crazy as Old D holds the kitten out.*

Jellicles: It’s the circle.. of liiiiiiiiiiife!!! And..

*Suddenly loud gasps are heard. At the top of the pile is Old D looking down nervously, his arms empty. He looks over at Munkustrap and Demeter who aren’t grinning anymore.*

Old D: Ooopsy, butterfingers. Someone want to toss that back up here?

*A jellicle throws the kitten back up the pile and Old D holds him up high again as all the jellicles sing.*

Kittix: Doesn’t that just make you all warm inside? So lets go on to the Scar scene..

*It is now later that day at the other end of the junkyard. Macavity is sitting on a pile of junk grumbling angrily*

Plato: Oh, Oh, let me play Scar!! Everyone always says I have broad shoulders, let me play him!

*Macavity looks around when he hears the voice*

Macavity: What the hell was that?

*He growls and continues his angry grumbling. Munkustrap and Victoria, who is wearing a beak and colorful feathers, walk over.*

Munku: Macavity, where were you today? You missed ‘The Presentaion of Pouncival’
Macavity: Oh, was that today? I would’ve come but.. ‘Blues Clues’ was on and I never miss it. Sorry.

*Macavity growls and glares at Victoria, who is waving her paws about chirping. He gets mad and knocks Victoria off the pile of junk. Both Munk and Macavity don’t seem to care. *

Munku: Oh, well ok. I was just making sure. I got the funniest thought, I thought you might have hated my new kit Pouncival and I!

*He starts to laugh*

Munku: I mean, he did just take your place as back up king.. and he’s only a weak little kitten! I thought you might have wanted to kill him AND me. But that’s just crazy!

*He turns to leave*

Macavity: That, make ME mad? Hardly.

Macavity growls and grins like Andrew Llyod Webber does in all of his pictures (Like a little boy in a candy store) as Munku starts to walk off*

Munku: So, I’ll see you later then, brother?
Macavity: Oh yes. You’ll be seeing me LATER.

Kittix: This is boring. I thought these were suppose to be funny?
QAK:  Yea, me too.
Kittix: Hmm.. maybe we need a new job. Lets go be the person who drops the boot in CATS!
QAK: Ok!
Kittix:  Anyways, continuing..

*Time is passing. Old D is seen in a tree finger painting. He is finger painting over what looks like a little kitten picture. He grins to himself*
Old D: That’s perfect. I’ll get a gold star for sure!
*He continues*

*It is now a few years later in the junkyard. Pouncival, now a big kitten, is running around on the top of the pile of junk. He runs over to Munkustrap*
Pounce: Hey, Dad, wake up, wake up!
*Munk continues to sleep*
Pounce: Fine, I’ll wake you up..

*Pounce runs over and brings in JennyAnyDots who is grinning like an idiot and knitting. Pounce kicks her and she hits the High C note. Munk finally gets up*

Munku: Pouncival, I told you NOT to touch that thing. But, anyways, I’m up now. Let me show you something..

*Munku takes Pounce out into the junkyard, where it’s suppose to be dawn. Only, its still dark.*

Plato: You want a sun? Well you just do it yourself, sillies!
Kittix: Plato, do it or we’ll make you listen to QAK playing the flute. No, better yet, we’ll make you listen to ME playing the flute.
Plato: Oh ALRIGHT.

*The sun now shines in the junkyard. Munkustrap is sitting with Pouncival on the high pile of junk looking around*
Munk: Everything the light touches is our kingdom
Pounce: Well the light touches everything..
Munk: Oh, then everything is our kingdom. How bout that..

Kittix: Lets just skip to the hyena parts. Everything else is boring.
QAK: You mean its not already?
Kittix: Er, yeah, well anyways..

*The scene is now at a run down place in the junkyard. Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, and Skimbleshanks are sitting looking bored.*
Rumple: I’m bored.
Mungo: Hey, me too.
Skimble: They might see me at Caprice if I summon the police!!
Rumple: Who put him into this fic?
Mungo: D’no..

*Hand from nowhere picks up Skimble and tosses him off the Eiffel Tower.*

Kittix: The part of Skimbleshanks, or Ed the Hyena, will now be played by the Rum Tum Tugger.

*Pouncival just happened to be walking by. He looks over to Mungo, Rumple, and Tugger.*

Pounce: Hi! I’ve never seen you cats before, wanna play?
*All the ‘hyeanas’ look at eachother*
Hyena Cats: OK!
*They all start playing tag*

Kittix: Hey! You’re not supposed to be playing, you’re supposed to be fighting!!

*All the cats look at eachother*
Cats: Oh yeah..

*Mungo, Rumple, and Tugger start to chase around Pounce.*
Rumple: You’re it! I mean.. you’re dead!!

*The continue a stupid little chase thing while evil music plays. Suddenly, Munkustrap comes out growling*

Munku: What are you doing to Pouncival!?
Mungo: Being evil.
Munk: Oh ok then. When you’re done, just tell him to come home.

*Hyena cats grin at eachother and continue to chase around Pounce some more until Pounce finally runs off*

Rumple: I’m bored.
Mungo: Me too.
Tugger: Yeah, now I’m bored.  I’m not even supposed to be in this stupid fan fiction. I have an audition to be in an allergy commercial. This is JUST humiliating.
Plato: Oooh, Mr Tuggy! I agree!
Tugger: What the.. who said that?
*Tugger looks up and sees Plato, all gold and shiney, smiling at him*
Tugger: Ooooh kay.. that’s enough fanfiction for me. If you need me, I’ll be in my trailor..
*Tugger walks off leaving only Rumple, Mungo, and a very disappointed Plato as the sun. Suddenly, Macavity appears*

Macavity: Did you kill the kitten?
Rumple: No
Mungo: Why would we?
Macavity: Because that’s how this story goes. You two are supposed to be bad, and try to kill Sim.. I mean Pouncival.. ring a bell? Oh forget it. Lets just make a stampede or something and kill off Munkustrap and Pouncival. Then I can be king.
Mungo: King of what?
Macavity: King of..uh..well that doesn’t matter.
*They all start to plan their evil, bad, not good, plan*

*After some days passed, Rumple and Mungo sit in a gorge in the junkyard. Yes a gorge in the junkyard! Don’t ask.. anyways.. in the gorge is bunch of henchrats*

Rumple: Ok, are you ready?
Mungo: What exactly are we suppose to do again?
Rumple: We have to make the rats go crazy and stampede..
Mungo: I thought it was wildabeasts?
Rumple: It is, but Kittix and QAK are cheap and couldn’t afford it. So anyways..
Mungo: Ok, I have an idea..

*Mungo holds up a picture of Gus naked. All the rats suddenly go crazy and start to run.*

*Meanwhile, Macavity sits on a pile of junk, safely above the rats, laughing evily.*

Macavity: Ahahahahaha… mwahahahahaahah!!! Die Pouncival, DIE!!

*Pouncival bounds up and sits beside him.*

Pouncival: Wow, good thing I’m not down there.
Macavity: Yeah, good thing. Hey, wait a minute..

*Macavity pushes Pounce into the stampede of rats. Pouncival runs around trying to avoid being crushed. Macavity calls to Munkustrap*

Macavity: Oh Munkustrap! Come here..
*Munk walks over*
Munku: Yeah Macavity?
Macavity: I dropped a nickel down there.. *He points to the stampede of rats* Can you get it for me?
Munku: Oh sure!

*Munku jumps into the stampede. He finds Pouncival*
Munku: Are you looking for Macavity’s nickel too?
Pounce: No! Dad, we have to get out..
Munku: Oh I think I see it!

*Munku suddenly disappears in the stampede of rats and Pouncival escapes.*

*After some time of running around, and very dramatic music, the rats disappear and Pouncival runs down to the gorge as he looks for his dad. He cant find him. Suddenly, out of the surrounding dust, Macavity approaches.*

Macavity: Pounce, what have you done?
Pounce: I found your nickel! But I cant find my dad..
*Macavity groans*
Macavity: Forget the nickel! But, your dad went to Tahiti forever. So I think you should leave the junkyard. For good.
Pounce: Ok. If you say so Uncle Macavity.

*Pouncival trots out of the junkyard as Macavity takes over the junkyard*

*More time has passed and Pouncival is lying down somewhere, almost dead. We don’t know why, but he is. A big fat cat and a smaller…cat come across him.*

Bustopher Jones: Hey, Alonzo, look at this!
*Bustopher points to Pouncival*
Alonzo: Ew, what is it?
Bustopher: It’s a kitten. Maybe we should take it with us.
Alonzo: Why?
Bustopher: Beats me, but lets just take him anyways. Maybe we can teach him to dance for the people on the street!
Alonzo: Oh, good idea! Yeah lets take him.

*The take Pouncival and teach him.. stuff. Years pass and now Pouncival is basically an adult. Yeeep..*

*Meanwhile, back at the junkyard, Macavity along with his rats, and Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, have taken over. All the other cats hate it. One of the cats, Jemima, happened to be walking out of the junkyard. She comes across Pouncival.*

Jemima: Hi there! Do I know you?
Pouncival: I don’t think so. Do you know Morris the cat?
Jemima: Is that you!?
Pouncival: No, just wondered if you knew him.
Jemima: Oh. Ok, uhm, why don’t you come back to the junkyard with me?
Pouncival: No I cant
Jemima: Why not?
Pouncival: Because my Uncle told me not to.
Jemima: Who is your Uncle?
Pouncival: Macavity
Jemima: Really?
Pouncival: Yeah really and he..

<insert funny stuff here>

*Pouncival and Jemima talk for hours and hours and hours. No lie. Jemima convinces Pouncival to come back to the junkyard. And he does. He confronts Macavity*

Macavity: I thought you were supposed to be gone for good!
Pouncival: I was, but then that weird little queen brought me back.
Macavity: You were supposed to be dead is what I meant!
Pouncival: Liar!
Macavity: Uh, liar? About what?
Pouncival: You lied to me about everything! My dad, my life, and..other..things..
Macavity: I didn’t lie about your dad. I bought him the plane ticket..
Pouncival: You just wanted me to leave so you could be king!
Macavity: Yeah, no duh. So lets cut to the chase, where I beat you up and all that fun stuff.

*They start to fight. It goes on and on and on. Finally, Pouncival corners Macavity.*

Macavity: Stop! It wasn’t my idea.. it was.. it was.. it was Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer! All their idea, not mine!

*Mungo and Rumple get angry. They, along with Pouncival, and all the other cats, grab Macavity and put him in a vault with JennyAnyDots (who is not stuck on singing the high c note over and over), the picture of Gus naked plastered all over the place, and Regis Philbun asking ‘Is that you final answer?’ over and over again. Macavity eventually goes insane and is never heard from again.*

Kittix: Oh yes, Its almost over!
QAK: Yay!

It has been years and years later. All the jellicles are once again assembled under a huge pile of junk, chanting their African tribal songs..

Jellicles: We still want chicken, we still want liver, meow mix, meow mix, please de-liver!

*Old D comes through the crowd and up the pile of junk. He smiles at Pouncival and his mate Jemima as he picks up the newest fuzz ball. He walks over to the edge and holds the kitten up as all the cats go crazy. Once again, gasps are heard and Old D stands at the top of the pile, empty handed, and looking down nervously*

Old D: I really have go to work on that part..

*Jemima suddenly runs out with a sign that says ‘The Wonderful, Wonderful End” and it is.*

Kittix: Well, another CATS: Night at the Movies finally done.
QAK: Phew, I know.
Kittix: What now?
QAK: Lets go see if they need a boot dropper for the show.
Kittix: Ok!

*Plato hangs, still shiney and bright, from the ceiling*
Plato: Uhm.. hello.. can some one get me down?

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