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The Cat's New Groove

~Munkustrap walks into junkyard~

Alonzo: So what's the story, Munk? Find a new way for us to earn money now that the show's over?
Munk: Actually, yes, but it's not the best thing to do.
All: Just tell us!! Anything would be good enough!!
Munk: ~gathers them all around~ well, I just got a call back from Disney ~everyone wonders how exactly he got a call in a junkyard~ and they said we could do a crossover-over spin-off very-hyphenated show combining with a Disney movie from a couple years back...
Tugger: Well, what is it? Do I get my own trailer? I'll need a stylist for the curl in front of my head.
Munk: Tugger, no special treatment.. ~growl from Tugger~ It's...uh...well...a kids' show ~paws at ground~... it's
Mungo: Spit it out, Munk!!
Munk: It's "The Emperor's New Groove", okay? I'm sorry, it's the best I could do!!

~adults groan, younger toms and queens cheer~

Asparagus: Well who plays the lama?
Munk: There will be no lama, we will change it a little to fit us better, because Disney's expecting us to be finished by next month, so we'll definitely have to change some things.
Cass: Is there a part for a young, beautiful, sophisticated woman?
Rumple: Yea, d'ya know anyone 'o cin play et? ~Cass swipes at her~  Gosh, Cass, just kiddin'!!
Munk: A list of the parts  needed will be posted on the big tire tomorrow morning, so rehearse your parts!!
Bomba: One problem, Munk, how will we tape it? Even if there was a working camera here, we're cats, we can't operate them!
Munk: Yes I know, but I already thought about that. ~looks at Rumpus Cat, who is working on his self-made fan site (0 members)~ That's why I'm glad we have Rumpus Cat!!
All: Rumpus Cat can't operate one either!
Munk: But he IS a computer geek!
Rumpus: Hey! I heard that!!
~everyone wonders, if a cat can't work a camera, how can he work a computer~
Demeter: Besides, how would a computer help?
Munk: How do you think he takes all those pics he puts on his site?
~everyone looks at his laptop, seeing his site has 0 hits, but about 100 self-taken pics~
Munk: We'l use his webcam!! It'll be broadcasted over the internet!!
Mungo: Yea, but why would anyone wanna watch it?
Munk: We just won't put it on!!
All: ~agrees that this just might work~
Munk: Exactly! So let's get some sleep, we'll have a lot of work to do tomorrow!!
Etcetera: ~says to reader (as creepy as that is)~ Coming to a fanfic near you: The continuation of "The Cat's New Groove!!"
Rumpus Cat: And be sure to visit!!

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