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CATS/X Files

Kittix: Ah, yes, and welcome to yet ANOTHER... Cats: Night at the Movies fanfiction! QAK would've LOVED to be here and help me write this, but she is currently very busy.

QAK: Z...z.....z.... *grumbles* wallpaper.... z....z....z... *snort*.... z... z... z.. *snore*

Kittix: Told ya. So, I'd like to introduce my co-host for this evening.. or morning.. or whenever the hell you read this.. please welcome Exotica!!

Exotica: .........

Kittix: We're pleased to have you here Exoti...

Exotica: *disappeared*

Kittix: Riiiiiight... Anyways, this is our next fic.. Cats meets with that creepy ass sci-fi show, The X Files! Actually, this is just a random fanfiction LIKE the X Files, we shall forget that there ever was an X Files movie made, okay? Okay. Some movies are just too creepy to write about.. like Scream.

Exotica: But you've already written about Scream.

Kittix: AHHH! Where the hell did you come from!?

Exotica: ....... *disappears again*

Kittix: Ok, this is creeping me out too. Lets start this fic..

*We open on a building, actually, its a really big box. Cue creepy music - De de de de de-do...*

The Jellicle Junkyard's Central Intelligence Center
Tuesday, the 28th.
2:30 P.M.


*Our two agents, Agent Mungo Jerrie, Agent Jerrie, and Agent Rumple Teazer, Agent Teazer. *

Exotica: *Appearing from nowhere.* Arent we original.

Kittix: Gah! Where do you keep coming from!? Anyways..

*Our agents are seen looking over some files. The Jellicle X-Files.*

Teazer: This thing just started and I'm already bored.

Jerrie: Me too. What are we supposed to do again?

~Kittix: Read the files!

Jerrie: Ohhh yeah. *He flips through some files, finding one. It reads..

Jellicle X-Files Case #742196043 - Report of an UFO spotted by a Junkyard residence. Needs further investigation.

Teazer: So what does that mean?

Jerrie: I think it means we have to go "investigate" this. *He groans* We really need better jobs, this fanfiction business is really lame.

Teazer: I know, but what're we gonna do? It's either this or work for Disney until the show opens again in London or Broadway.

Jerrie: Good point. Lets go!

*They head out into the junkyard to investigate.*


The Jellicle Junkyard
Tuesday, the 28th
2:35 P.M.


*Two cats, Demeter and Bombalurina, are seen standing and staring at the sky. Our agents walk over, presenting two old wallets with thier badges.*

Jerrie: We received a disturbance report here.

Demeter: Mungo? Rumple? What are you two supposed to be?

Bombalurina: Shh, Dem, follow the script.

Demeter: What script?

*Bomba hands Dem a script that is titled "Kittix & QAK's Free Time Gone Horribly, Horribly Wrong - Part 3*

Demeter: Ohh yeah.. that thing. *She sighs.* The things we have to do to make a living. *She turns to Mungo and Rumple again.*

Demeter: As I was saying.. who are you two?

Jerrie: *Holding his badge* Agent Jerrie..

Teazer: *Holding her badge* .. And Agent Teazer!

Jerrie: *Narrowing his eyes.* IBF.

Teazer: No, Jer, you're holding your badge upside down.

Jerrie: Oh, sorry. FBI.

Demeter: Okay..

Teazer: We read about a UFO sighting. Whats with that?

Bombalurina: Yeah, we saw this big saucer like thing in the sky.. *She looks around.* Right around.. THERE! *She points to a giant black saucer, high in the sky.*

*All the Cats stare in amazement.*

Teazer: What IS that?

Jerrie: Lets take a look.. *He grabs a pair of binoculors.. er.. a pair of things so you can see things really far away up close.* Hey.. thats not a UFO.. thats a tire... and thats Grizabella!

Bombalurina: Well that explains the constant reprise of 'Memory' coming from that thing.

Teazer: Stand back! *She grabs a rock and throws it at the giant tire. She hits it and it comes crashing to the ground, Grizabella on top.*

Grizabella: Oh, thank the Everlasting Cat! That tire got stuck up there and it wouldnt move! *She dusts herself off, she starts walking off.*

Jerrie: Well, I guess we solved that.

Teazer: Yeah, I guess so. Lets go back to that big box we were at before and.. uh..

~Kittix: Find another file!

Teazer: Yes! Find another file and case to solve!

*They start walking back to the big box thingy... as they arent looking, Aliens come and abduck Grizabella, then fly off.*

Jellicle X-Files Case #742196043 - Closed

Kittix: *Currently tapping QAK with a stick repeatedly.* Get up! Get up! Exotica is creeping me out!!

QAK: Z...z....z...z.. *mumble* ... Harry Potter... *snore*...

Kittix: *Drops stick.* Well thats pretty creepy too.. Oh, hello! What a great fic huh?

Exotica: *Appears from nowhere.* I dont know, it's kind of plain..

Kittix: ....AH! STOP DOING THAT!!! Please, go back to the fic!!


The Jellicle Junkyard Central of Intelligence Center
Thursday, the 30th
5:25 A.M.


*Our agents are seen diligently at work.*

Both: Z....z....z...z..


The Jellicle Junkyard Central of Intelligence Center
Thursday, the 30th
7:30 A.M.


*Still hard at work...*

Both: Z...z...z...z...z..z..


The Jellicle Junkyard Central of Intelligence Center
Thursday, the 30th
10:30 A.M.


Both: Z...z...z...z.....


The Jellicle Junkyard Central of Intelligence Center
Thursday, the 30th
12:30 P.M.


Both: Z..z....z...z..z


Teazer: *Yawns.* Alright, we're up! We're up! *She nudges Mungo.*

Jerrie: *He groans, his eyes still shut.* Aww Teaz... not NOW..

Teazer: *She laughs nervously.* Heh, no, get up!

Jerrie: *He yawns and gets up.* Oh right, we're still stuck in that stupid fan fic. Okay, lets get to work.

Jellicle X-File Case #7633209581 - Report of Paranormal Activity in the Junkyard, Needs Further Investigation.

Teazer: Well, lets go!


A Box in the Jellicle Junkyard
Thursday, the 30th
1:00 P.M.


*Outside the box stands two scared kittens, Etcetera and Electra, huddled up and shaking.*

Jerrie: Whats the problem you two?

Etcetera: t..t..t... the..

Electra: ...B..b..b.. box!

Teazer: What?

Jerrie: I think they said I..i..i..i..

Teazer: I heard that part, thanks Jer. *She stares at the kittens.* Are you two saying theres something in the box?

*The kittens nod slowly, still shaking.*

Jerrie: *Nodding to Teazer.* I guess theres a ghost in there. Lets go investigate!

Teazer: Alright...

*They both nod to eachother again and run into the box. They look around.*

Teazer: Well I dont see anything..

Jerrie: Me neit.. hey! Do you hear that?!

*A loud and horrible sound is heard coming from the bathroom of the box, a scary scottish and high pitched, annoying, sound.*

*Jerrie and Teazer look at eachother.*

Teazer: Do we even dare?

Jerrie: Yes... it's our job..

*They both run and break down the door to find Skimbleshanks and JennyAnyDots in the shower.*


Warning: We are not liable for the mental picture you conjure up, we apologize for the horrible dreams you now will have.

*Teazer and Jerrie run out, still screaming.*

Teazer: I thought we were after a ghost!

Jerrie: Me too!

Etcetera: W..wh.. who said anything about a ghost!?

Electra: Th.. thats scary enough!

Teazer: They have a point. That was.. disturbing!

Jerrie: That was more than disturbing!

Jellicle X-File Case #7633209581 - Unsolved


The Jellicle Junkyard Central of Intelligence Center
Saturday, the 1st
12:00, 12:00, 12:00, 12:00


~Kittix: Oh, sorry, the power went out and I didnt get around to fixing the time.


The Jellicle Junkyard Central of Intelligence Center
Saturday, the 1st
3:45 P.M.


*Our agents are seen back at the big box.*

Teazer: No way! I quit! That last mission was ENOUGH for me!

Jerrie: Me too!!

~Kittix: You two cant quit!

Teazer: Oh yes we can!

Jerrie: And we do! C'mon Teaz, we're better off doing a Disney after school special.

*They nod, throwing thier "badges" and walking off.*


Exotica: *Appears from nowhere.* Me?



*Grizabella is rich and famous again, starring in Independence Day 2*

*Jemima, even though she wasnt even in this fic, runs out with a gaint sign that reads 'The Wonderful End', and it is.

The Wonderful END!

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