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Thank you for shopping our Kittix & Q.A.Kitten CATS page, for all your CATS picture needs, now for our disclaimer

Kittix: Ok, all the pictures on our site are free for you to use as much as you want, all we ask is maybe for a link? One little linky? But we arent forcing you. All pictures and character names are copyright RUG blah blah blah, so in otherwords, they arent ours, but Kittix and Q.A.Kitten are our own creations, we have nothing to do with the musical CATS what so ever, so those belong to us, and not RUG, so, uhm, I thought I'd add that in. As for pictures on this site, WE DIDNT STEAL ANY, IT WAS THOSE CATS IN THE BACKGROUND! DAMN YOU MUNGOJERRIE AND RUMPLETEAZER!!! WE WERE FRAMED...ahem,
Yes we got them from other sites, and some sites said "DO NOT TAKE" well I'm pretty sure all pics we got we didnt take from any of those sites but if you find we did, or think we did, email me and I'll add a link BUT I will not take any down, It's hard enough putting the damn things up. Besides, unless you actually took the picture, like with a camera, it's not really yours anyways.

A lot of these pics were from Phillidia's (I spell that right?) Cats page and The KittyLitter, you can find links to those sites in our links.

As for our site in general..

Our site is all in fun, we do make some comments about some cats, some more than others..aheh, and you shouldnt take this site by any means seriously. We are just teenage CATS Fans putting in our perspective of CATS. Please dont get mad at anything, we do say a few swear words here and there, but other than that, the site is pretty clean. Ok, now get back to reading all the other stuff on our page..

E mail, me, Kittix, at